
Kinji Ono

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23EEAsanobu Kitamoto, Makiko Onishi, Tomohiro Ikezaki, Dominique Deuff, Eka Meyer, Sonoko Sato, Takako Muramatsu, Ryo Kamida, Takeo Yamamoto, Kinji Ono: Digital Bleaching and Content Extraction for the Digital Archive of Rare Books. DIAL 2006: 133-144
22EEJérôme Godard, Frédéric Andrès, William I. Grosky, Kinji Ono: Knowledge Management Framework for the Collaborative Distribution of Information. EDBT Workshops 2004: 289-298
21EEDe Cao Tran, Kinji Ono: Content-Based Image Retrieval: Object representation by the Density of Feature Points. RIVF 2003: 213-218
20EEJérôme Godard, Frédéric Andrès, Kinji Ono: Advanced Storage and Retrieval of XML Multimedia Documents. DNIS 2002: 64-73
19EEFrédéric Andrès, Nicolas Dessaigne, José Martinez, Noureddine Mouaddib, Kinji Ono, Douglas C. Schmidt, Panrit Tosukhowong: MISE: The MediaSys Image Search Engine. DEXA 2000: 993-1002
18 Frédéric Andrès, Noureddine Mouaddib, Kinji Ono, Aidong Zhang: Metadata Model, Resource Discovery, and Querying on Large Scale Multidimensional Datasets: The GEREQ Project. Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries 2000: 83-90
17EEAsanee Kawtrakul, Frédéric Andrès, Kinji Ono, Chaiwat Ketsuwan, Nattakan Pengphon: Toward an Enhancement of Textual Database Retrieval Using NLP Techniques. NLDB 2000: 176-189
16 Frédéric Andrès, Kinji Ono, Shin'ichi Satoh, Nicolas Dessaigne: Toward the MEdiaSys VIdeo Search Engine (MEVISE). VDB 2000: 31-44
15EEPanrit Tosukhowong, Frédéric Andrès, Kinji Ono, Nicolas Dessaigne, José Martinez, Noureddine Mouaddib, Douglas C. Schmidt: A flexible image search engine. ACM Multimedia (2) 1999: 87-90
14EEFrédéric Andrès, Nicolas Dessaigne, Kinji Ono, Shin'ichi Satoh, William I. Grosky, Yi Tao: Toward Multimedia Document Support inside the AHYDS Platform. DANTE 1999: 152-155
13EEFrédéric Andrès, Kinji Ono: Adaptive Caching Management for Multimedia Support. DEXA 1999: 912-921
12EEJihad Boulos, Kinji Ono: Cost Estimation of User-Defined Methods in Object-Relational Database Systems. SIGMOD Record 28(3): 22-28 (1999)
11EEFrédéric Andrès, John F. Buford, Kinji Ono: An Application-Oriented Approach for HyTime Structured Document Management. DEXA 1998: 260-269
10 Frédéric Andrès, Kinji Ono: The New Generation of Hypermedia Delivery System. DEXA Workshop 1998: 124-128
9EEFrédéric Andrès, Kinji Ono: The Active Hypermedia Delivery System (AHYDS) using the PHASME Application-Oriented DBMS. ICDE 1998: 600
8EEJihad Boulos, Kinji Ono: Continuous Data Management on Tape-Based Tertiary Storage Systems. IDMS 1998: 290-301
7 Frédéric Andrès, Kinji Ono: Phasme: A High Performance Parallel Application-Oriented DBMS. Informatica (Slovenia) 22(2): (1998)
6 Frédéric Andrès, Kunihiko Kaneko, Bertil Folliot, Kinji Ono, Akifumi Makinouchi, Pierre Sens, P. Cadinot: The TOSDHIM System Management of Distributed Heterogeneous Multimedia Information. DEXA Workshop 1997: 126-128
5 Frédéric Andrès, Kinji Ono, Akifumi Makinouchi, Kunihiko Kaneko: High Performance Multimedia Database System Support for Image Processing. DEXA Workshop 1997: 761-766
4 Frédéric Andrès, Jihad Boulos, Kinji Ono: Accessing Active Application-oriented DBMS from the World Wide Web. CODAS 1996: 171-173
3EEFrédéric Andrès, Keigo Ihara, Jihad Boulos, Kinji Ono, Yasuhiko Yasuda: Performance Evaluation of the OLVP (Online Video Processing) System. COMPSAC 1996
2EEMasato Oguchi, Kinji Ono: A Study of Caching Proxy Mechanisms Realized on Wide Area Distributed Networks. HPDC 1996: 443-449
1 Kinji Ono: Development of network architecture and its impact on telecommunication services. ICCC 1988: 361-362

Coauthor Index

1Frédéric Andrès [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [22]
2Jihad Boulos [3] [4] [8] [12]
3John F. Buford [11]
4P. Cadinot [6]
5Nicolas Dessaigne [14] [15] [16] [19]
6Dominique Deuff [23]
7Bertil Folliot [6]
8Jérôme Godard [20] [22]
9William I. Grosky (Bill Grosky) [14] [22]
10Keigo Ihara [3]
11Tomohiro Ikezaki [23]
12Ryo Kamida [23]
13Kunihiko Kaneko [5] [6]
14Asanee Kawtrakul [17]
15Chaiwat Ketsuwan [17]
16Asanobu Kitamoto [23]
17Akifumi Makinouchi [5] [6]
18José Martinez [15] [19]
19Eka Meyer [23]
20Noureddine Mouaddib [15] [18] [19]
21Takako Muramatsu [23]
22Masato Oguchi [2]
23Makiko Onishi [23]
24Nattakan Pengphon [17]
25Sonoko Sato [23]
26Shin'ichi Satoh [14] [16]
27Douglas C. Schmidt [15] [19]
28Pierre Sens [6]
29Yi Tao [14]
30Panrit Tosukhowong [15] [19]
31De Cao Tran [21]
32Takeo Yamamoto [23]
33Yasuhiko Yasuda [3]
34Aidong Zhang [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)