
Jihad Boulos

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13EEMarcel Karam, Jihad Boulos, Hala Ollaic, Zeina Koteiche: XQueryViz: A Visual Dataflow XQuery Tool. AICT/ICIW 2006: 196
12EEJihad Boulos, Marcel Karam, Zeina Koteiche, Hala Ollaic: XQueryViz: An XQuery Visualization Tool. EDBT 2006: 1155-1158
11EEJihad Boulos, Shant Karakashian: A New Design for a Native XML Storage and Indexing Manager. EDBT 2006: 755-772
10EEJihad Boulos, Nilesh N. Dalvi, Bhushan Mandhani, Shobhit Mathur, Christopher Ré, Dan Suciu: MYSTIQ: a system for finding more answers by using probabilities. SIGMOD Conference 2005: 891-893
9EEEngie Bashir, Jihad Boulos: Relaxing Result Accuracy for Performance in Publish/Subscribe Systems. WISE 2005: 552-559
8EEEngie Bashir, Jihad Boulos: Trading Precision for Throughput in XPath Processing. XIME-P 2005
7EEJihad Boulos, Kinji Ono: Cost Estimation of User-Defined Methods in Object-Relational Database Systems. SIGMOD Record 28(3): 22-28 (1999)
6EEJihad Boulos, Kinji Ono: Continuous Data Management on Tape-Based Tertiary Storage Systems. IDMS 1998: 290-301
5 Jihad Boulos: Analytical Models and Neural Networks for Query Cost Evaluation. NGITS 1997: 0-
4 Frédéric Andrès, Jihad Boulos, Kinji Ono: Accessing Active Application-oriented DBMS from the World Wide Web. CODAS 1996: 171-173
3EEFrédéric Andrès, Keigo Ihara, Jihad Boulos, Kinji Ono, Yasuhiko Yasuda: Performance Evaluation of the OLVP (Online Video Processing) System. COMPSAC 1996
2 Frédéric Andrès, Jihad Boulos: DDS: the data delivery service. IFIP World Conference on IT Tools 1996
1 Jihad Boulos, Didier Boudigue: An Application of SMART2: A Tool for Performance Evaluation of Relational DataBase Programs. MMB 1995: 11-25

Coauthor Index

1Frédéric Andrès [2] [3] [4]
2Engie Bashir [8] [9]
3Didier Boudigue [1]
4Nilesh N. Dalvi [10]
5Keigo Ihara [3]
6Shant Karakashian [11]
7Marcel Karam [12] [13]
8Zeina Koteiche [12] [13]
9Bhushan Mandhani [10]
10Shobhit Mathur [10]
11Hala Ollaic [12] [13]
12Kinji Ono [3] [4] [6] [7]
13Christopher Ré (Christopher Re) [10]
14Dan Suciu [10]
15Yasuhiko Yasuda [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)