
Jan Ondrus

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10EEJan Ondrus, Kalle Lyytinen, Yves Pigneur: Why Mobile Payments Fail? Towards a Dynamic and Multi-Perspective Explanation. HICSS 2009: 1-10
9EETomi Dahlberg, Niina Mallat, Jan Ondrus, Agnieszka Zmijewska: Past, present and future of mobile payments research: A literature review. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 7(2): 165-181 (2008)
8EEJan Ondrus, Yves Pigneur: An Assessment of NFC for Future Mobile Payment Systems. ICMB 2007: 43
7EEJan Ondrus, Yves Pigneur: Cross-industry Preferences for Development of Mobile Payments in Switzerland. Electronic Markets 17(2): 142-152 (2007)
6EEJan Ondrus, Yves Pigneur: A Multi-Stakeholder Multi-Criteria Assessment Framework of Mobile Payments: An Illustration with the Swiss Public Transportation Industry. HICSS 2006
5EEJan Ondrus, Yves Pigneur: A Systematic Approach to Explain the Delayed Deployment of Mobile Payments in Switzerland. ICMB 2006: 6
4EEJan Ondrus, Yves Pigneur: Towards a holistic analysis of mobile payments: A multiple perspectives approach. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 5(3): 246-257 (2006)
3EEJan Ondrus, Yves Pigneur: A Disruption Analysis in the Mobile Payment Market. HICSS 2005
2EEJan Ondrus, Giovanni Camponovo, Yves Pigneur: A Proposal for a Multi-Perspective Analysis of the Mobile Payment Environment. ICMB 2005: 659-662
1EETung X. Bui, Jan Ondrus: M-Computing for Real-Time Negotiation Support. HICSS 2003: 28

Coauthor Index

1Tung X. Bui [1]
2Giovanni Camponovo [2]
3Tomi Dahlberg [9]
4Kalle Lyytinen [10]
5Niina Mallat [9]
6Yves Pigneur [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
7Agnieszka Zmijewska [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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