
Tomi Dahlberg

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9EETomi Dahlberg, Milla Huurros, Antti Ainamo: Lost Opportunity - Why Has Dominant Design Failed to Emerge for the Mobile Payment Services Market in Finland? HICSS 2008: 83
8EETomi Dahlberg, Niina Mallat, Jan Ondrus, Agnieszka Zmijewska: Past, present and future of mobile payments research: A literature review. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 7(2): 165-181 (2008)
7EETomi Dahlberg, Pirkko Lahdelma: IT Governance Maturity and IT Outsourcing Degree: An Exploratory Study. HICSS 2007: 236
6EEMari Nyrhinen, Tomi Dahlberg: Is Transaction Cost Economics Theory Able to Explain Contracts Used for and Success of Firm-Wide IT-Infrastructure Outsourcing? HICSS 2007: 240
5EETomi Dahlberg, Anssi Öörni: Understanding Changes in Consumer Payment Habits - Do Mobile Payments and Electronic Invoices Attract Consumers? HICSS 2007: 50
4EETomi Dahlberg, Mari Nyrhinen: A New Instrument to Measure the Success of IT Outsourcing. HICSS 2006
3EETomi Dahlberg, Hannu Kivijärvi: An Integrated Framework for IT Governance and the Development and Validation of an Assessment Instrument. HICSS 2006
2EETomi Dahlberg, Niina Mallat: Mobile Payment Service Development - Managerial Implications Of Consumer Value Perceptions. ECIS 2002
1EETomi Dahlberg, Janne Järvinen: Challenges to IS quality. Information & Software Technology 39(12): 809-818 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Antti Ainamo [9]
2Milla Huurros [9]
3Janne Järvinen [1]
4Hannu Kivijärvi [3]
5Pirkko Lahdelma [7]
6Niina Mallat [2] [8]
7Mari Nyrhinen [4] [6]
8Jan Ondrus [8]
9Anssi Öörni [5]
10Agnieszka Zmijewska [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)