
José L. Oliver

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6 José L. Oliver, Pedro Carpena, Michael Hackenberg, Pedro Bernaola-Galván: IsoFinder: computational prediction of isochores in genome sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Web-Server-Issue): 287-292 (2004)
5 José L. Oliver, Ramón Román-Roldán, Javier Pérez, Pedro Bernaola-Galván: SEGMENT: identifying compositional domains in DNA sequences. Bioinformatics 15(12): 974-979 (1999)
4EERamón Román-Roldán, Pedro Bernaola-Galván, José L. Oliver: Application of information theory to DNA sequence analysis: A review. Pattern Recognition 29(7): 1187-1194 (1996)
3EERamón Román-Roldán, Pedro Bernaola-Galván, José L. Oliver: Entropic feature for sequence pattern through iterated function systems. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(6): 567-573 (1994)
2 José L. Oliver, A. Marin, J. M. Martinez-Zapater: Chloroplast genes transferred to the nuclear plant genome have adjusted to nuclear base composition and codon usage. Nucleic Acids Research 18(1): 65-73 (1990)
1 José L. Oliver, A. Marin, J. R. Medina: SDSE: a software package to simulate the evolution of a pair of DNA sequences. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 5(1): 47-50 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Pedro Bernaola-Galván [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Pedro Carpena [6]
3Michael Hackenberg [6]
4A. Marin [1] [2]
5J. M. Martinez-Zapater [2]
6J. R. Medina [1]
7Javier Pérez [5]
8Ramón Román-Roldán [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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