
Toshiyuki Okunishi

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3 Takehiko Yoshimi, Toshiyuki Okunishi, Takahiro Yamaji, Yoji Fukumochi: Evaluation of Importance of Sentences based on Connectivity to Title. COLING-ACL 1998: 1443-1447
2 Ryôichi Sugimura, Kôiti Hasida, Kouji Akasaka, Kôzi Hatano, Yukihiro Kubo, Toshiyuki Okunishi: A Software Environment for Research into Discourse Understanding Systems. FGCS 1988: 285-295
1 Toshiyuki Okunishi, Ryôichi Sugimura, Yuji Matsumoto: Comparison of Logic Programming Based Natural Language Parsing Systems. Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop 1987: 1-14

Coauthor Index

1Kouji Akasaka [2]
2Yoji Fukumochi [3]
3Kôiti Hasida [2]
4Kôzi Hatano [2]
5Yukihiro Kubo [2]
6Yuji Matsumoto [1]
7Ryôichi Sugimura [1] [2]
8Takahiro Yamaji [3]
9Takehiko Yoshimi [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)