
T. Ohsawa

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3EET. Enomoto, Y. Sasajima, A. Hirobe, T. Ohsawa: Fast motion estimation algorithm and low-power CMOS motion estimation array LSI for MPEG-2 encoding. ISCAS (4) 1999: 203-206
2EEKazuo Iwama, Chuzo Iwamoto, T. Ohsawa: A Faster Parallel Algorithm for k-Connectivity. Inf. Process. Lett. 61(5): 265-269 (1997)
1 Frank Reichert, Y. Ismailov, P. Pruthi, T. Ohsawa: The Walkstation Project - A Flexible Platform for Experiments in Mobile Multimedia Environments. IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 101-105

Coauthor Index

1T. Enomoto [3]
2A. Hirobe [3]
3Y. Ismailov [1]
4Kazuo Iwama [2]
5Chuzo Iwamoto [2]
6P. Pruthi [1]
7Frank Reichert [1]
8Y. Sasajima [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)