
Hidemitsu Ogawa

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24EEShidong Li, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Optimal noise suppression: A geometric nature of pseudoframes for subspaces. Adv. Comput. Math. 28(2): 141-155 (2008)
23EEMarko Jankovic, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Modulated Hebb-Oja learning Rule-a method for principal subspace analysis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 17(2): 345-356 (2006)
22EEMasashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Constructing Kernel Functions for Binary Regression. IEICE Transactions 89-D(7): 2243-2249 (2006)
21EEAqeel Syed, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Optimal Sampling Operator for Signal Restoration in the Presence of Signal Space and Observation Space Noises. IEICE Transactions 88-D(12): 2828-2838 (2005)
20EEMarko Jankovic, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Time-oriented hierarchical method for computation of principal components using subspace learning algorithm. Int. J. Neural Syst. 14(5): 313-323 (2004)
19EEGanka Petkova Kovacheva, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Radial basis function classifier for fault diagnostics. ISICT 2003: 64-69
18EEMarko Jankovic, Hidemitsu Ogawa: A New Modulated Hebbian Learning Rule - Biologically Plausible Method for Local Computation of a Principal Subspace. Int. J. Neural Syst. 13(4): 215-223 (2003)
17 Masashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of the Subspace Information Criterion. Machine Learning 48(1-3): 25-50 (2002)
16EEMasashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Optimal design of regularization term and regularization parameter by subspace information criterion. Neural Networks 15(3): 349-361 (2002)
15EEMasashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa: A unified method for optimizing linear image restoration filters. Signal Processing 82(11): 1773-1787 (2002)
14EEHidekazu Iwaki, Hidemitsu Ogawa, Akira Hirabayashi: Optimally generalizing neural networks with the ability to recover from single stuck-at r faults. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(7): 114-123 (2002)
13 Masashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Incremental Active Learning for Optimal Generalization. Neural Computation 12(12): 2909-2940 (2001)
12 Masashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Subspace Information Criterion for Model Selection. Neural Computation 13(8): 1863-1889 (2001)
11EEMasashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Incremental projection learning for optimal generalization. Neural Networks 14(1): 53-66 (2001)
10EEMasashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Properties of incremental projection learning. Neural Networks 14(1): 67-78 (2001)
9EEAkiko Nakashima, Akira Hirabayashi, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Error correcting memorization learning for noisy training examples. Neural Networks 14(1): 79-92 (2001)
8EEAkiko Nakashima, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Noise suppression in training examples for improving generalization capability. Neural Networks 14(4-5): 459-469 (2001)
7EEAkira Hirabayashi, Hidemitsu Ogawa: A family of projection learnings. Systems and Computers in Japan 32(5): 21-35 (2001)
6EEMasashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa: A new information criterion for the selection of subspace models. ESANN 2000: 69-74
5EEMasashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Incremental Active Learning with Bias Reduction. IJCNN (1) 2000: 15-20
4EEMasashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Training Data Selection for Optimal Generalization in Trigonometric Polynomial Networks. NIPS 1999: 624-630
3EESethu Vijayakumar, Hidemitsu Ogawa: RKHS-based functional analysis for exact incremental learning. Neurocomputing 29(1-3): 85-113 (1999)
2EED. Liu, Yukihiko Yamashita, Hidemitsu Ogawa: Pattern recognition in the presence of noise. Pattern Recognition 28(7): 989-995 (1995)
1 Hidemitsu Ogawa, Yoshinori Isomichi: Optimum Spatial Filter and Uncertainty Information and Control 14(2): 180-216 (1969)

Coauthor Index

1Akira Hirabayashi [7] [9] [14]
2Yoshinori Isomichi [1]
3Hidekazu Iwaki [14]
4Marko Jankovic [18] [20] [23]
5Ganka Petkova Kovacheva [19]
6Shidong Li [24]
7D. Liu [2]
8Akiko Nakashima [8] [9]
9Masashi Sugiyama [4] [5] [6] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [22]
10Aqeel Syed [21]
11Sethu Vijayakumar [3]
12Yukihiko Yamashita [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)