
Kentaro Oda

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15EEKentaro Oda, Hiroki Najima, Yoshihiro Yasutake, Takaichi Yoshida: A Simple, Safe Reconfigurable Object Model with Loosely-Coupled Communication. AINA (1) 2006: 413-418
14EERodrigo Lanka, Kentaro Oda, Takaichi Yoshida: Active Fault-Tolerant System for Open Distributed Computing. ATC 2006: 581-590
13EERodrigo Lanka, Kentaro Oda, Hiroki Najima, Takaichi Yoshida: A Dynamic Fault-Tolerant Model for Open Distributed Computing. DEXA Workshops 2006: 25-29
12EEArmin Lawi, Kentaro Oda, Takaichi Yoshida: Quorum Based Distributed Conflict Resolution Algorithm for Bounded Capacity Resources. ISPA Workshops 2006: 135-144
11 Armin Lawi, Kentaro Oda, Takaichi Yoshida: A Quorum Based (m, h, k)-Resource Allocation Algorithm. PDPTA 2006: 399-405
10EERodrigo Lanka, Kentaro Oda, Takaichi Yoshida: Theoretical Consideration of Adaptive Fault Tolerance Architecture for Open Distributed Object-Oriented Computing. AINA 2005: 425-428
9EERodrigo Lanka, Kentaro Oda, Takaichi Yoshida: Architecture Based Approach to Adaptable Fault Tolerance in Distributed Object-Oriented Computing. EUC Workshops 2005: 413-422
8EEArmin Lawi, Kentaro Oda, Kentaro Oda, Takaichi Yoshida, Takaichi Yoshida: A Simple Quorum Reconfiguration for Open Distributed Environments. ICPADS (2) 2005: 664-668
7EEArmin Lawi, Kentaro Oda, Kentaro Oda, Takaichi Yoshida, Takaichi Yoshida: A Simple Quorum Reconfiguration for Open Distributed Environments. ICPADS (2) 2005: 664-668
6EEArmin Lawi, Kentaro Oda, Takaichi Yoshida: A Quorum Based Group k-Mutual Exclusion Algorithm for Open Distributed Environments. ISPA 2005: 119-125
5EEJuan Carlos Leonardo, Takaichi Yoshida, Kentaro Oda: An Adaptable Replication Scheme for Reliable Distributed Object-Oriented Computing. AINA 2003: 602-606
4EEYoshihiro Yasutake, Yusuke Masuyama, Kentaro Oda, Takaichi Yoshida: Clear Separation and Combination of Synchronization Constraint for Concurrent Object Oriented Programming. AINA 2003: 671-676
3EEToshiyuki Ishimura, Takeshi Kato, Kentaro Oda, Takeshi Ohashi: An Open Robot Simulator Environment. RoboCup 2003: 621-627
2EEKentaro Oda, Shin'ichi Tazuneki, Takaichi Yoshida: The Flying Object for an Open Distributed Environment. ICOIN 2001: 87-92
1EEKentaro Oda, Takeshi Ohashi, Shuichi Kouno, Kunio Gohara, Toyohiro Hayashi, Takeshi Kato, Yuki Katsumi, Toshiyuki Ishimura: ASURA: Kyushu United Team in the Four Legged Robot League. RoboCup 2001: 681-684

Coauthor Index

1Kunio Gohara [1]
2Toyohiro Hayashi [1]
3Toshiyuki Ishimura [1] [3]
4Takeshi Kato [1] [3]
5Yuki Katsumi [1]
6Shuichi Kouno [1]
7Rodrigo Lanka [9] [10] [13] [14]
8Armin Lawi [6] [8] [11] [12]
9Juan Carlos Leonardo [5]
10Yusuke Masuyama [4]
11Hiroki Najima [13] [15]
12Takeshi Ohashi [1] [3]
13Shin'ichi Tazuneki [2]
14Yoshihiro Yasutake [4] [15]
15Takaichi Yoshida [2] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)