
Mike O'Mahony

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9EECarla Raffaelli, Kyriakos Vlachos, Nicola Andriolli, Dimitrios Apostolopoulos, Jakob Buron, Ruth van Caenegem, Grzegorz Danilewicz, Jorge M. Finochietto, Joan García-Haro, Dimitrios Klonidis, Mike O'Mahony, Guido Maier, Achille Pattavina, Pablo Pavón-Mariño, Sarah Ruepp, Michele Savi, Mirco Scaffardi, Ioannis Tomkos, Anna Tzanakaki, Lena Wosinska: Photonics in switching: Architectures, systems and enabling technologies. Computer Networks 52(10): 1873-1890 (2008)
8EEAnn Ackaert, Piet Demeester, Paul Lagasse, Christina Politi, Mike O'Mahony, Tommy Berg, Bjarne Tromborg, Juergen Saniter, Erwin Patzak, Sathya Rao, Paul Vogel, Christophe Minot, Didier Erasme: Europeanist -programme roadmap for optical communications generated by theoptimist thematic network. Annales des Télécommunications 58(11-12): 1550-1585 (2003)
7EEDamianos Gavalas, Dominic P. A. Greenwood, Mohammed Ghanbari, Mike O'Mahony: Hierarchical network management: a scalable and dynamic mobile agent-based approach. Computer Networks 38(6): 693-711 (2002)
6EEDamianos Gavalas, Dominic P. A. Greenwood, Mohammed Ghanbari, Mike O'Mahony: Mobile software agents for decentralised network and systems management. Microprocessors and Microsystems 25(2): 101-109 (2001)
5 Damianos Gavalas, Dominic P. A. Greenwood, Mohammed Ghanbari, Mike O'Mahony: Deploying a Hierarchical Management Framework Using Mobile Agent Technology. IS&N 2000: 333-348
4EEDamianos Gavalas, Mohammed Ghanbari, Mike O'Mahony, Dominic P. A. Greenwood: Enabling mobile agent technology for intelligent bulk management data filtering. NOMS 2000: 623-636
3EEDamianos Gavalas, Dominic P. A. Greenwood, Mohammed Ghanbari, Mike O'Mahony: Advanced network monitoring applications based on mobile/intelligent agent technology. Computer Communications 23(8): 720-730 (2000)
2EEDamianos Gavalas, Dominic P. A. Greenwood, Mohammed Ghanbari, Mike O'Mahony: Using Mobile Agents for Distributed Network Performance Management. IATA 1999: 96-112
1EEDamianos Gavalas, Mohammed Ghanbari, Mike O'Mahony, Dominic P. A. Greenwood: A Hybrid Centralized - Distributed Network Management Architecture. ISCC 1999: 434-441

Coauthor Index

1Ann Ackaert [8]
2Nicola Andriolli [9]
3Dimitrios Apostolopoulos [9]
4Tommy Berg [8]
5Jakob Buron [9]
6Ruth van Caenegem [9]
7Grzegorz Danilewicz [9]
8Piet Demeester [8]
9Didier Erasme [8]
10Jorge M. Finochietto [9]
11Joan García-Haro [9]
12Damianos Gavalas [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
13Mohammed Ghanbari (M. Ghanbari) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
14Dominic P. A. Greenwood [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
15Dimitrios Klonidis [9]
16Paul Lagasse [8]
17Guido Maier [9]
18Christophe Minot [8]
19Achille Pattavina [9]
20Erwin Patzak [8]
21Pablo Pavón-Mariño [9]
22Christina Politi [8]
23Carla Raffaelli [9]
24Sathya Rao [8]
25Sarah Ruepp [9]
26Juergen Saniter [8]
27Michele Savi [9]
28Mirco Scaffardi [9]
29Ioannis Tomkos [9]
30Bjarne Tromborg [8]
31Anna Tzanakaki [9]
32Kyriakos Vlachos [9]
33Paul Vogel [8]
34Lena Wosinska [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)