
Gerd Nusser

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6 Michael Friedrich, Kirsten Terfloth, Gerd Nusser, Wolfgang Küchlin: Mobile Agents: A Construction Kit for Mobile Device Applications. International Conference on Internet Computing 2004: 186-194
5EEMichael Friedrich, Gerd Nusser, Wolfgang Küchlin: Maintenance of Distributed Systems with Mobile Agents. ICSM 2002: 659-666
4EEGerd Nusser, Ralf-Dieter Schimkat: Rapid Application Development of Middleware Components by Using XML. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2001: 116-121
3EEDieter Bühler, Wolfgang Küchlin, Gerd Nusser, Gerhard Gruhler: The Java Fieldbus Control Framework-Object Oriented Control of Fieldbus Devices. ISORC 2001: 153-
2EERalf-Dieter Schimkat, Gerd Nusser, Dieter Bühler: Scalability and Interoperability in Service-Centric Architectures for the Web. DEXA Workshop 2000: 51-60
1EEDieter Bühler, Wolfgang Küchlin, Gerhard Gruhler, Gerd Nusser: The Virtual Automation Lab - Web Based Teaching of Automation Engineering Concepts. ECBS 2000: 156-164

Coauthor Index

1Dieter Bühler [1] [2] [3]
2Michael Friedrich [5] [6]
3Gerhard Gruhler [1] [3]
4Wolfgang Küchlin [1] [3] [5] [6]
5Ralf-Dieter Schimkat [2] [4]
6Kirsten Terfloth [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)