
Akira Notsu

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9EEAkira Notsu, Hidetomo Ichihashi, Katsuhiro Honda, Osamu Katai: Visualization of balancing systems based on naïve psychological approaches. AI Soc. 23(2): 281-296 (2009)
8EEYu Yamamoto, Akira Notsu, Hidetomo Ichihashi, Katsuhiro Honda: Agent-based social simulation based on cognitive economic efficiency. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 1089-1094
7EEAkira Notsu, Hidetomo Ichihashi, Katsuhiro Honda: State and action space segmentation algorithm in Q-learning. IJCNN 2008: 2384-2389
6EEHidetomo Ichihashi, Katsuhiro Honda, Akira Notsu, Takafumi Yagi: Fuzzy c-Means Classifier with Deterministic Initialization and Missing Value Imputation. FOCI 2007: 214-221
5EEHidetomo Ichihashi, Katsuhiro Honda, Akira Notsu, Takao Hattori: Aggregation of Standard and Entropy Based Fuzzy c-Means Clustering by a Modified Objective Function. FOCI 2007: 447-453
4EEKatsuhiro Honda, Ryo Uesugi, Hidetomo Ichihashi, Akira Notsu: Linear Fuzzy Clustering of Mixed Databases Based on Cluster-wise Optimal Scaling of Categorical Variables. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
3EEHidetomo Ichihashi, Katsuhiro Honda, Akira Notsu: Postsupervised Hard c-Means Classifier. RSCTC 2006: 918-927
2EEKatsuhiro Honda, Hidetomo Ichihashi, Akira Notsu, Francesco Masulli, Stefano Rovetta: Several Formulations for Graded Possibilistic Approach to Fuzzy Clustering. RSCTC 2006: 939-948
1EEAkira Notsu, Osamu Katai, Hiroshi Kawakami: A Framework of Caring Interaction by a Network Model of Client's Concepts Based on a Nursing Theory and Naive Psychological Approaches. Active Media Technology 2001: 279-290

Coauthor Index

1Takao Hattori [5]
2Katsuhiro Honda [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Hidetomo Ichihashi [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Osamu Katai [1] [9]
5Hiroshi Kawakami [1]
6Francesco Masulli [2]
7Stefano Rovetta [2]
8Ryo Uesugi [4]
9Takafumi Yagi [6]
10Yu Yamamoto [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)