
Toshie Ninomiya

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7EEXin Wan, Toshie Ninomiya, Toshio Okamoto: LRMDCR: A Learner's Role-Based Multi Dimensional Collaborative Recommendation for Group Learning Support. ICALT 2008: 603-605
6EEXin Wan, Toshie Ninomiya, Toshio Okamoto: A learner's role-based multi dimensional collaborative recommendation (LRMDCR) for group learning support. IJCNN 2008: 3912-3917
5 Toshio Okamoto, Naomi Nagata, Fumihiko Anma, Toshie Ninomiya: The Knowledge Circulated-Organisational Management For E-Learning Practices. e-Learning 2008: 121-128
4EEXin Wan, Toshie Ninomiya, Toshio Okamoto: Development of an intellectual e-NOTEBOOK system for group learning support. ICALT 2007: 400-402
3EEToshie Ninomiya, Ken Nakayama, Miyuki Shimizu, Fumihiko Anma, Toshio Okamoto: The Design of e-Learning Environment Oriented for Personalized Adaptability. ICALT 2007: 728-729
2EEToshie Ninomiya, Fumihiko Anma, Toshiaki Honda, Toshio Okamoto: Learner Monitoring System with Biological Knowledge Construction Model. ICALT 2006: 659-661
1 Toshie Ninomiya, Toshiaki Honda, Toshio Okamoto: Social and Biological Model of Cognitive Development and Learning Pattern. CELDA 2005: 18-25

Coauthor Index

1Fumihiko Anma [2] [3] [5]
2Toshiaki Honda [1] [2]
3Naomi Nagata [5]
4Ken Nakayama [3]
5Toshio Okamoto [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Miyuki Shimizu [3]
7Xin Wan [4] [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)