
Homayoun Nikookar

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5EEZoubir Irahhauten, Javier Dacuna, Gerard J. M. Janssen, Homayoun Nikookar, Alexander G. Yarovoy, Leo P. Ligthart: Analysis and Modeling of Near-Field Effects on the Link Budget for UWB-WPAN Channels. ICC 2008: 4872-4876
4EEIbrahim Budiarjo, Ikhsan Rashad, Homayoun Nikookar: On the Use of Virtual Pilots with Decision Directed Method in OFDM Based Cognitive Radio Channel Estimation Using 2x1-D Wiener Filter. ICC 2008: 703-707
3EEM. K. Lakshmanan, Ibrahim Budiarjo, Homayoun Nikookar: Wavelet Packet Multi-Carrier Modulation MIMO Based Cognitive Radio Systems with VBLAST Receiver Architecture. WCNC 2008: 705-710
2EEIbrahim Budiarjo, Homayoun Nikookar, Leo P. Ligthart: Cognitive Radio with Single Carrier TDCS and Multicarrier OFDM Approach with V-BLAST Receiver in Rayleigh Fading Channel. MONET 13(5): 416-423 (2008)
1EEM. K. Lakshmanan, Ibrahim Budiarjo, Homayoun Nikookar: Maximally Frequency Selective Wavelet Packets Based Multi-Carrier Modulation Scheme for Cognitive Radio Systems. GLOBECOM 2007: 4185-4189

Coauthor Index

1Ibrahim Budiarjo [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Javier Dacuna [5]
3Zoubir Irahhauten [5]
4Gerard J. M. Janssen [5]
5M. K. Lakshmanan [1] [3]
6Leo P. Ligthart [2] [5]
7Ikhsan Rashad [4]
8Alexander G. Yarovoy [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)