
Haruo Niimi

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3EEAtsushi Nunome, Hiroaki Hirata, Haruo Niimi, Kiyoshi Shibayama: Performance evaluation of dynamic load balancing scheme with load prediction mechanism using the load growing acceleration for massively parallel computers. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(11): 69-79 (2004)
2 Yoshiro Imai, Shinji Tomita, Haruo Niimi, Hitoshi Inomo, Wataru Shiraki, Hiroshi Ishikawa: Development of an Education Tool for Computer System. ICCE 2002: 1309-1310
1EEShuji Yamamura, Tadafumi Kadota, Hiroaki Hirata, Haruo Niimi, Kiyoshi Shibayama: Evaluation of a data preload mechanism for a linked list structure. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(3): 21-30 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Hiroaki Hirata [1] [3]
2Yoshiro Imai [2]
3Hitoshi Inomo [2]
4Hiroshi Ishikawa [2]
5Tadafumi Kadota [1]
6Atsushi Nunome [3]
7Kiyoshi Shibayama [1] [3]
8Wataru Shiraki [2]
9Shinji Tomita [2]
10Shuji Yamamura [1]

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