
Thomas E. Nichols

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6EEDimitrios Pantazis, Gregory V. Simpson, Darren L. Weber, Corby L. Dale, Thomas E. Nichols, Richard M. Leahy: Exploring Human Visual Attention in an Meg Study of a Spatial Cueing Paradigm Using a Novel Ancova Design. ISBI 2007: 1096-1099
5 Dimitrios Pantazis, Richard M. Leahy, Thomas E. Nichols, Martin Styner: Statistical Surface-Based Morphometry Using a Non-Parametric Approach. ISBI 2004: 1283-1286
4 Sangtae Ahn, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Thomas E. Nichols, Robert Koeppe: Covariance of Kinetic Parameter Estimators Based on Time Activity Curve Reconstructions: Preliminary Study on 1D Dynamic Imaging. ISBI 2004: 368-371
3EEDimitrios Pantazis, Thomas E. Nichols, Sylvain Baillet, Richard M. Leahy: Spatiotemporal Localization of Significant Activation in MEG Using Permutation Tests. IPMI 2003: 512-523
2 Thomas E. Nichols, Jinyi Qi, Evren Asma, Richard M. Leahy: Spatiotemporal reconstruction of list mode PET data. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(4): 396-404 (2002)
1EEThomas E. Nichols, Jinyi Qi, Richard M. Leahy: Continuous Time Dynamic PET Imaging Using List Mode Data. IPMI 1999: 98-111

Coauthor Index

1Sangtae Ahn [4]
2Evren Asma [2]
3Sylvain Baillet [3]
4Corby L. Dale [6]
5Jeffrey A. Fessler [4]
6Robert Koeppe [4]
7Richard M. Leahy [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
8Dimitrios Pantazis [3] [5] [6]
9Jinyi Qi [1] [2]
10Gregory V. Simpson [6]
11Martin Andreas Styner (Martin Styner) [5]
12Darren L. Weber [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)