
Sangtae Ahn

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10EESangtae Ahn, Richard M. Leahy: Analysis of Resolution and Noise Properties of Nonquadratically Regularized Image Reconstruction Methods for PET. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 27(3): 413-424 (2008)
9EESangtae Ahn, Abhijit J. Chaudhari, Felix Darvas, Charles A. Bouman, Richard M. Leahy: Fast Image Reconstruction Methods for Fully 3d Multispectral Optical Bioluminescence Tomography. ISBI 2007: 229-232
8EEQuanzheng Li, Evren Asma, Sangtae Ahn, Richard M. Leahy: A Fast Fully 4-D Incremental Gradient Reconstruction Algorithm for List Mode PET Data. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 26(1): 58-67 (2007)
7EESanghee Cho, Quanzheng Li, Sangtae Ahn, Bing Bai, Richard M. Leahy: Iterative Image Reconstruction Using Inverse Fourier Rebinning for Fully 3-D PET. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 26(5): 745-756 (2007)
6EESangtae Ahn, Richard M. Leahy: Spatial resolution properties of nonquadratically regularized image reconstruction for PET. ISBI 2006: 287-290
5EESangtae Ahn, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Doron Blatt, Alfred O. Hero: Convergent incremental optimization transfer algorithms: application to tomography. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 25(3): 283-296 (2006)
4 Sangtae Ahn, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Thomas E. Nichols, Robert Koeppe: Covariance of Kinetic Parameter Estimators Based on Time Activity Curve Reconstructions: Preliminary Study on 1D Dynamic Imaging. ISBI 2004: 368-371
3EESangtae Ahn, Jeffrey A. Fessler: Emission image reconstruction for randoms-precorrected PET allowing negative sinogram values. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 23(5): 591-601 (2004)
2 Sangtae Ahn, Jeffrey A. Fessler: A Globally Convergent Image Reconstruction for Emission Tomography Using Relaxed Ordered Subsets Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 22(5): 623-626 (2003)
1EEJongkyu Park, Ilseok Han, Jinhyuck Kwon, June Hwang, Hagbae Kim, Sangtae Ahn, Whie Chang: Development of a Residential Gateway and a Service Server for Home Automation. AISA 2002: 137-150

Coauthor Index

1Evren Asma [8]
2Bing Bai [7]
3Doron Blatt [5]
4Charles A. Bouman [9]
5Whie Chang [1]
6Abhijit J. Chaudhari [9]
7Sanghee Cho [7]
8Felix Darvas [9]
9Jeffrey A. Fessler [2] [3] [4] [5]
10Ilseok Han [1]
11Alfred O. Hero III (Alfred O. Hero) [5]
12June Hwang [1]
13Hagbae Kim [1]
14Robert Koeppe [4]
15Jinhyuck Kwon [1]
16Richard M. Leahy [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
17Quanzheng Li [7] [8]
18Thomas E. Nichols [4]
19Jongkyu Park [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)