
David E. Newman

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19EEBenjamin A. Carreras, David E. Newman, Ian Dobson, Matthew Zeidenberg: A Simple Model for the Reliability of an Infrastructure System Controlled by Agents. HICSS 2009: 1-10
18EEDavid E. Newman, Benjamin A. Carreras, Vickie E. Lynch, Ian Dobson: Evaluating the Effect of Upgrade, Control and Development Strategies on Robustness and Failure Risk of the Power Transmission Grid. HICSS 2008: 182
17EEBenjamin A. Carreras, David E. Newman, Paul Gradney, Vickie E. Lynch, Ian Dobson: Interdependent Risk in Interacting Infrastructure Systems. HICSS 2007: 112
16EEIan Dobson, Kevin R. Wierzbicki, Benjamin A. Carreras, Vickie E. Lynch, David E. Newman: An Estimator of Propagation of Cascading Failure. HICSS 2006
15EEIan Dobson, Benjamin A. Carreras, David E. Newman: Branching Process Models for the Exponentially Increasing Portions of Cascading Failure Blackouts. HICSS 2005
14EEDavid E. Newman, Bertrand Nkei, Benjamin A. Carreras, Ian Dobson, Vickie E. Lynch, Paul Gradney: Risk Assessment in Complex Interacting Infrastructure Systems. HICSS 2005
13EEU. S. Bhatt, David E. Newman, Benjamin A. Carreras, Ian Dobson: Understanding the Effect of Risk Aversion on Risk. HICSS 2005
12EEIan Dobson, Benjamin A. Carreras, David E. Newman: A Branching Process Approximation to Cascading Load-Dependent System Failure. HICSS 2004
11EEBenjamin A. Carreras, Vickie E. Lynch, Ian Dobson, David E. Newman: Dynamical and Probabilistic Approaches to the Study of Blackout Vulnerability of the Power Transmission Grid. HICSS 2004
10 Ian Dobson, Benjamin A. Carreras, David E. Newman: Probabilistic load-dependent cascading failure with limited component interactions. ISCAS (5) 2004: 912-915
9EEIan Dobson, Benjamin A. Carreras, David E. Newman: A probabilistic loading-dependent model of cascading failure and possible implications for blackouts. HICSS 2003: 65
8EEBenjamin A. Carreras, Vickie E. Lynch, David E. Newman, Ian Dobson: Blackout Mitigation Assessment in Power Transmission Systems. HICSS 2003: 65
7EEBenjamin A. Carreras, Vickie E. Lynch, Ian Dobson, David E. Newman: Dynamics, Criticality and Self-Organization in a Model for Blackouts in Power Transmission Systems. HICSS 2002: 63
6EEIan Dobson, Jie Chen, Jim Thorp, Benjamin A. Carreras, David E. Newman: Examining Criticality of Blackouts in Power System Models with Cascading Events. HICSS 2002: 63
5EEDavid E. Newman, Nathaniel D. Sizemore, Vickie E. Lynch, Benjamin A. Carreras: Growth and Propagation of Disturbances in a Communication Network Model. HICSS 2002: 64
4EEIan Dobson, Benjamin A. Carreras, Vickie E. Lynch, David E. Newman: An Initial Model for Complex Dynamics in Electric Power System Blackouts. HICSS 2001
3EEBenjamin A. Carreras, David E. Newman, Ian Dobson, A. B. Poole: Evidence for SOC in Electric Power System Blackouts. HICSS 2001
2EEBenjamin A. Carreras, Vickie E. Lynch, M. L. Sachtjen, Ian Dobson, David E. Newman: Modeling Blackout Dynamics in Power Transmission Networks with Simple Structure. HICSS 2001
1EEBenjamin A. Carreras, David E. Newman, Ian Dobson, A. B. Poole: Initial Evidence for Self-Organized Criticality in Electric Power System Blackouts. HICSS 2000

Coauthor Index

1U. S. Bhatt [13]
2Benjamin A. Carreras [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
3Jie Chen [6]
4Ian Dobson [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
5Paul Gradney [14] [17]
6Vickie E. Lynch (V. E. Lynch) [2] [4] [5] [7] [8] [11] [14] [16] [17] [18]
7Bertrand Nkei [14]
8A. B. Poole [1] [3]
9M. L. Sachtjen [2]
10Nathaniel D. Sizemore [5]
11Jim Thorp [6]
12Kevin R. Wierzbicki [16]
13Matthew Zeidenberg [19]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)