
Mario A. Nascimento

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65EEJie Luo, Mario A. Nascimento: Content-Based Sub-Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback CoRR abs/0904.4041: (2009)
64EEAnderson Rocha, Jurandy Almeida, Mario A. Nascimento, Ricardo da Silva Torres, Siome Goldenstein: Efficient and Flexible Cluster-and-Search for CBIR. ACIVS 2008: 77-88
63EEBaljeet Malhotra, Mario A. Nascimento, Ioanis Nikolaidis: Better tree - better fruits: using dominating set trees for MAX queries. DMSN 2008: 1-7
62EESu Chen, Beng Chin Ooi, Kian-Lee Tan, Mario A. Nascimento: ST2B-tree: a self-tunable spatio-temporal b+-tree index for moving objects. SIGMOD Conference 2008: 29-42
61EEEdleno Silva de Moura, Célia Francisca dos Santos, Bruno Dos Santos de Araujo, Altigran Soares da Silva, Pável Calado, Mario A. Nascimento: Locality-Based pruning methods for web search. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 26(2): (2008)
60EEViorica Botea, Daniel Mallett, Mario A. Nascimento, Jörg Sander: PIST: An Efficient and Practical Indexing Technique for Historical Spatio-Temporal Point Data. GeoInformatica 12(2): 143-168 (2008)
59EEPaulo Cesar Masiero, Mario A. Nascimento: Editorial. Journal of Systems and Software 81(3): 305-306 (2008)
58EEYueguo Chen, Mario A. Nascimento, Beng Chin Ooi, Anthony K. H. Tung: SpADe: On Shape-based Pattern Detection in Streaming Time Series. ICDE 2007: 786-795
57EEAlexandru Coman, Mario A. Nascimento, Jörg Sander: On Join Location in Sensor Networks. MDM 2007: 190-197
56EEAlexandru Coman, Mario A. Nascimento: A Distributed Algorithm for Joins in Sensor Networks. SSDBM 2007: 27
55EEAlexandru Coman, Jörg Sander, Mario A. Nascimento: Adaptive processing of historical spatial range queries in peer-to-peer sensor networks. Distributed and Parallel Databases 22(2-3): 133-163 (2007)
54 Mario A. Nascimento: XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 16-20 de Outubro, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil, Anais/Proceedings UFSC 2006
53EEAlexandru Coman, Mario A. Nascimento, Jörg Sander: Exploiting redundancy in sensor networks for energy efficient processing of spatiotemporal region queries. CIKM 2005: 187-194
52EEChristian Digout, Mario A. Nascimento: High-Dimensional Similarity Searches Using A Metric Pseudo-Grid. ICDE Workshops 2005: 1174
51EEAlexandru Coman, Jörg Sander, Mario A. Nascimento: An Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Query Processing in Sensor Networks. ICDE Workshops 2005: 1190
50EERuan J. S. Belém, João M. B. Cavalcanti, Edleno Silva de Moura, Mario A. Nascimento: SNIF: A Simple Nude Image Finder. LA-WEB 2005: 252-258
49EEYong-Il Kwon, Ho-Hyun Park, Jixue Liu, Mario A. Nascimento: Radial Projection: A Feature Extraction Method for Topographical Shapes. PCM (1) 2005: 582-593
48EESlobodan Rasetic, Jörg Sander, James Elding, Mario A. Nascimento: A Trajectory Splitting Model for Efficient Spatio-Temporal Indexing. VLDB 2005: 934-945
47EEEdleno Silva de Moura, Célia Francisca dos Santos, Daniel R. Fernandes, Altigran Soares da Silva, Pável Calado, Mario A. Nascimento: Improving Web search efficiency via a locality based static pruning method. WWW 2005: 235-244
46 Mario A. Nascimento, M. Tamer Özsu, Donald Kossmann, Renée J. Miller, José A. Blakeley, K. Bernhard Schiefer: (e)Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Toronto, Canada, August 31 - September 3 2004 Morgan Kaufmann 2004
45 Jörg Sander, Mario A. Nascimento: Spatio-Temporal Database Management, 2nd International Workshop STDBM'04, Toronto, Canada, August 30, 2004 STDBM 2004
44EEChristian Digout, Mario A. Nascimento, Alexandru Coman: Similarity Search and Dimensionality Reduction: Not All Dimensions Are Equally Useful. DASFAA 2004: 831-842
43EEAlexandru Coman, Mario A. Nascimento, Jörg Sander: A framework for spatio-temporal query processing over wireless sensor networks. DMSN 2004: 104-110
42EEDaniel Mallett, James Elding, Mario A. Nascimento: Information-Content Based Sentence Extraction for Text Summarization. ITCC (2) 2004: 214-218
41EEJie Luo, Mario A. Nascimento: Content-based sub-image retrieval using relevance feedback. MMDB 2004: 2-9
40EELuca Pireddu, Mario A. Nascimento: Taxonomy-Based Routing Indices for Peer-to-Peer Networks. Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval 2004
39 Mario A. Nascimento, Edleno Silva de Moura, Arlindo L. Oliveira: String Processing and Information Retrieval, 10th International Symposium, SPIRE 2003, Manaus, Brazil, October 8-10, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
38EEAlexandru Coman, Jörg Sander, Mario A. Nascimento: Efficient Indexing of High Dimensional Normalized Histograms. DEXA 2003: 601-610
37EEJie Luo, Mario A. Nascimento: Content based sub-image retrieval via hierarchical tree matching. MMDB 2003: 63-69
36EERicardo Rodrigues Ciferri, Ana Carolina Salgado, Valéria Cesário Times, Mario A. Nascimento, Geovane Cayres Magalhães: A Performance Comparison among the Traditional R-trees, the Hilbert R-tree and the SR-tree. SCCC 2003: 3-12
35EEJeffery Antoniuk, Mario A. Nascimento: A light weight PDA-friendly collection fusion technique. SIGIR 2003: 439-440
34EEMario A. Nascimento, Dieter Pfoser, Yannis Theodoridis: Synthetic and Real Spatiotemporal Datasets. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 26(2): 26-32 (2003)
33EEMario A. Nascimento, Veena Sridhar, Xiaobo Li: Effective and efficient region-based image retrieval. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 14(2): 151-179 (2003)
32EERenato O. Stehling, Mario A. Nascimento, Alexandre X. Falcão: Cell Histograms Versus Color Histograms for Image Representation and Retrieval. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 5(3): 315-336 (2003)
31EEMario A. Nascimento, K. Selçuk Candan, Noboru Babaguchi: Guest Editorial: Best Papers of the ACM Multimedia 2001 Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval. Multimedia Tools Appl. 21(1): 5-7 (2003)
30EEMario A. Nascimento: Peer-to-peer: harnessing the power of disruptive technologies. SIGMOD Record 32(2): 57-58 (2003)
29EEMario A. Nascimento, Jörg Sander, Jeffrey Pound: Analysis of SIGMOD's co-authorship graph. SIGMOD Record 32(3): 8-10 (2003)
28 Mario A. Nascimento, M. Tamer Özsu, Osmar R. Zaïane: International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium, IDEAS'02, July 17-19, 2002, Edmonton, Canada, Proceedings IEEE Computer Society 2002
27EERenato O. Stehling, Mario A. Nascimento, Alexandre X. Falcão: A compact and efficient image retrieval approach based on border/interior pixel classification. CIKM 2002: 102-109
26EETao Wang, Juhua Shi, Mario A. Nascimento: Experimental Results Towards Content-Based Sub-Image Retrieval. ITCC 2002: 230-235
25EEMario A. Nascimento, Vishal Chitkara: Color-based image retrieval using binary signatures. SAC 2002: 687-692
24EERenato O. Stehling, Mario A. Nascimento, Alexandre X. Falcão: MiCRoM: A Metric Distance to Compare Segmented Images. VISUAL 2002: 12-23
23EEVeena Sridhar, Mario A. Nascimento, Xiaobo Li: Region-Based Image Retrieval Using Multiple-Features. VISUAL 2002: 61-75
22EEMario A. Nascimento, Eleni Tousidou, Vishal Chitkara, Yannis Manolopoulos: Image indexing and retrieval using signature trees. Data Knowl. Eng. 43(1): 57-77 (2002)
21 Renato O. Stehling, Mario A. Nascimento, Alexandre X. Falcão: An Adaptive and Efficient Clustering-Based Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval in Image Databases. IDEAS 2001: 356-365
20EEVeena Sridhar, Xiaobo Li, Mario A. Nascimento: Towards robust hidden watermarking using multiple quasi-circles. MM&Sec 2001: 31-35
19EERenato O. Stehling, Mario A. Nascimento, Alexandre X. Falcão: On "shapes" of colors for content-based image retrieval. ACM Multimedia Workshops 2000: 171-174
18 Nathan G. Colossi, Mario A. Nascimento: Benchmarking Access Structures for the Similarity Retrieval of High-Dimensional Multimedia Data. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (II) 2000: 1215-1218
17EEJefferson R. O. Silva, Mario A. Nascimento: An Incremental Batch-Oriented Index for Bitemporal Databases. TIME 2000: 133-142
16EEYannis Theodoridis, Mario A. Nascimento: Generating Spatiotemporal Datasets on the WWW. SIGMOD Record 29(3): 39-43 (2000)
15EEYannis Theodoridis, Jefferson R. O. Silva, Mario A. Nascimento: On the Generation of Spatiotemporal Datasets. SSD 1999: 147-164
14EEMario A. Nascimento, Jefferson R. O. Silva, Yannis Theodoridis: Evaluation of Access Structures for Discretely Moving Points. Spatio-Temporal Database Management 1999: 171-188
13EEMario A. Nascimento, Margaret H. Dunham: Indexing Valid Time Databases via B+-Trees. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 11(6): 929-947 (1999)
12EEMario A. Nascimento, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros: Report on the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Database Systems (SBBD'98). SIGMOD Record 28(1): 76-77 (1999)
11 Mario A. Nascimento: A Two-Stage B+-tree Based Approach to Index Transaction Time. IADT 1998: 513-520
10EEMario A. Nascimento, Jefferson R. O. Silva: Towards historical R-trees. SAC 1998: 235-240
9 Mario A. Nascimento, Adriano C. R. da Cunha: An Experiment Stemming Non-Traditional Text. SPIRE 1998: 75-80
8EEGlaucia Faria, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, Mario A. Nascimento: An Extensible Framework for Spatio-Temporal Database Applications. SSDBM 1998: 202-205
7EEMario A. Nascimento, Margaret H. Dunham: Using Two B+-Trees to Efficiently Process Inclusion Spatial Queries (Extended Abstract). ACM-GIS 1997: 5-8
6 Mario A. Nascimento, Margaret H. Dunham: A Proposal for Indexing Bitemporal Databases via Cooperative B+-trees. IDEAS 1997: 349-357
5EEJun-Lin Lin, Margaret H. Dunham, Mario A. Nascimento: A Survey of Distributed Database Checkpointing. Distributed and Parallel Databases 5(3): 289-319 (1997)
4 Mario A. Nascimento, Margaret H. Dunham, Ramez Elmasri: M-IVTT: An Index for Bitemporal Databases. DEXA 1996: 779-790
3EEMario A. Nascimento, Margaret H. Dunham: Indexing a transaction-decision time database. SAC 1996: 166-172
2 Clenio F. Salviano, Mario A. Nascimento, Murat M. Tanik: A Simple Approach to Improve the Abstraction Level of Object Representation. CAST 1994: 349-362
1 Mario A. Nascimento, Clenio F. Salviano, Murat M. Tanik: Using Logic Programming to Test Module Specifications in Early Stages of Software Development. CAST 1994: 373-387

Coauthor Index

1Jurandy Almeida [64]
2Jeffery Antoniuk [35]
3Bruno Dos Santos de Araujo [61]
4Noboru Babaguchi [31]
5Ruan J. S. Belém [50]
6José A. Blakeley [46]
7Viorica Botea [60]
8Pável Calado [47] [61]
9K. Selçuk Candan [31]
10João M. B. Cavalcanti [50]
11Su Chen [62]
12Yueguo Chen [58]
13Vishal Chitkara [22] [25]
14Ricardo Rodrigues Ciferri [36]
15Nathan G. Colossi [18]
16Alexandru Coman [38] [43] [44] [51] [53] [55] [56] [57]
17Adriano C. R. da Cunha [9]
18Christian Digout [44] [52]
19Margaret H. Dunham (Margaret H. Eich) [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [13]
20James Elding [42] [48]
21Ramez Elmasri [4]
22Alexandre X. Falcão [19] [21] [24] [27] [32]
23Glaucia Faria [8]
24Daniel R. Fernandes [47]
25Siome Goldenstein (Siome Klein Goldenstein) [64]
26Donald Kossmann [46]
27Yong-Il Kwon [49]
28Xiaobo Li [20] [23] [33]
29Jun-Lin Lin [5]
30Jixue Liu [49]
31Jie Luo [37] [41] [65]
32Geovane Cayres Magalhães [36]
33Baljeet Malhotra [63]
34Daniel Mallett [42] [60]
35Yannis Manolopoulos [22]
36Paulo Cesar Masiero [59]
37Claudia Bauzer Medeiros [8] [12]
38Renée J. Miller [46]
39Edleno Silva de Moura [39] [47] [50] [61]
40Ioanis Nikolaidis [63]
41Arlindo L. Oliveira [39]
42Beng Chin Ooi [58] [62]
43M. Tamer Özsu [28] [46]
44Ho-Hyun Park [49]
45Dieter Pfoser [34]
46Luca Pireddu [40]
47Jeffrey Pound [29]
48Slobodan Rasetic [48]
49Anderson Rocha [64]
50Ana Carolina Salgado [36]
51Clenio F. Salviano [1] [2]
52Jörg Sander [29] [38] [43] [45] [48] [51] [53] [55] [57] [60]
53Célia Francisca dos Santos [47] [61]
54K. Bernhard Schiefer [46]
55Juhua Shi [26]
56Altigran Soares da Silva [47] [61]
57Jefferson R. O. Silva [10] [14] [15] [17]
58Veena Sridhar [20] [23] [33]
59Renato O. Stehling [19] [21] [24] [27] [32]
60Kian-Lee Tan [62]
61Murat M. Tanik [1] [2]
62Yannis Theodoridis [14] [15] [16] [34]
63Valéria Cesário Times [36]
64Ricardo da Silva Torres [64]
65Eleni Tousidou [22]
66Anthony K. H. Tung [58]
67Tao Wang [26]
68Osmar R. Zaïane [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)