
Hidehisa Nakayama

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13EEYoshifumi Saijo, Takahiro Iwamoto, Kazuto Kobayashi, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Tsunoda, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nei Kato, Yoshiaki Nemoto: Ultra-Mobile Echo Network in Health Care System. CBMS 2008: 164-166
12EEYutaro Sasaki, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nirwan Ansari, Yoshiaki Nemoto, Nei Kato: A New Data Gathering Scheme Based on Set Cover Algorithm for Mobile Sinks in WSNs. GLOBECOM 2008: 725-729
11EEBounpadith Kannhavong, Hidehisa Nakayama, Abbas Jamalipour: SA-OLSR: Security Aware Optimized Link State Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICC 2008: 1464-1468
10EEKenji Miyao, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nirwan Ansari, Yoshiaki Nemoto, Nei Kato: A reliable topology for efficient key distribution in ad-hoc networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-5
9EETakeshi Matsuda, Hidehisa Nakayama, Sherman Shen, Yoshiaki Nemoto, Nei Kato: On Gateway Selection Protocol for DYMO-Based MANET. WiMob 2008: 32-37
8EEMasahiro Kobayasi, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nirwan Ansari, Nei Kato: NHAG: Network-Aware Hierarchical Arrangement Graph for Application Layer Multicast in Heterogeneous Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 1993-1997
7EEJun'ichi Hirayama, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nei Kato: A Classifier of Similar Characters using Compound Mahalanobis Function based on Difference Subspace. ICDAR 2007: 432-436
6EEHidehisa Nakayama, Nirwan Ansari, Abbas Jamalipour, Nei Kato: Fault-resilient sensing in wireless sensor networks. Computer Communications 30(11-12): 2375-2384 (2007)
5EEBounpadith Kannhavong, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nei Kato, Abbas Jamalipour, Yoshiaki Nemoto: A study of a routing attack in OLSR-based mobile ad hoc networks. Int. J. Communication Systems 20(11): 1245-1261 (2007)
4EEBounpadith Kannhavong, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nei Kato, Yoshiaki Nemoto, Abbas Jamalipour: A Collusion Attack Against OLSR-based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
3EEMasaru Dobashi, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nei Kato, Yoshiaki Nemoto, Abbas Jamalipour: Traitor Tracing Technology of Streaming Contents Delivery using Traffic Pattern in Wired/Wireless Environments. GLOBECOM 2006
2EERyo Inoue, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nei Kato: Historical Hand-Written String Recognition by Non-linear Discriminant Analysis using Kernel Feature Selection. ICPR (2) 2006: 1094-1097
1EEBounpadith Kannhavong, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nei Kato, Yoshiaki Nemoto, Abbas Jamalipour: Analysis of the node isolation attack against OLSR-based mobile ad hoc networks. ISCN 2006: 30-35

Coauthor Index

1Nirwan Ansari [6] [8] [10] [12]
2Masaru Dobashi [3]
3Jun'ichi Hirayama [7]
4Ryo Inoue [2]
5Takahiro Iwamoto [13]
6Abbas Jamalipour [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [11]
7Bounpadith Kannhavong [1] [4] [5] [11]
8Nei Kato [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13]
9Kazuto Kobayashi [13]
10Masahiro Kobayasi [8]
11Takeshi Matsuda [9]
12Kenji Miyao [10]
13Yoshiaki Nemoto [1] [3] [4] [5] [9] [10] [12] [13]
14Yoshifumi Saijo [13]
15Yutaro Sasaki [12]
16Sherman Shen [9]
17Hiroshi Tsunoda [13]
18Satoshi Yamaguchi [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)