
Yasuhiko Nakashima

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7EEShinya Hiramoto, Masaki Nakanishi, Shigeru Yamashita, Yasuhiko Nakashima: A Hardware SAT Solver Using Non-chronological Backtracking and Clause Recording Without Overheads. ARC 2007: 343-349
6 Tomoaki Tsumura, Ikuma Suzuki, Yasuki Ikeuchi, Hiroshi Matsuo, Hiroshi Nakashima, Yasuhiko Nakashima: Design and evaluation of an auto-memoization processor. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2007: 230-235
5EEKenji Satou, Yasuhiko Nakashima, Shin'ichi Tsuji, Xavier Défago, Akihiko Konagaya: An Integrated System for Distributed Bioinformatics Environment on Grids. LSGRID 2004: 8-19
4 Motohiro Takayama, Yuki Shinomoto, Masahiro Goshima, Shin-ichiro Mori, Yasuhiko Nakashima, Shinji Tomita: Implementation of Cell-Projection Parallel Volume Rendering with Dynamic Load Balancing. PDPTA 2004: 373-382
3 Alam Mujahid, Koh Kakusho, Michihiko Minoh, Yasuhiko Nakashima, Shin-ichiro Mori, Shinji Tomita: Simulating realistic force and shape of virtual cloth with adaptive meshes and its parallel implementation in OpenMP. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2004: 386-391
2EEMasahiro Goshima, Kengo Nishino, Toshiaki Kitamura, Yasuhiko Nakashima, Shinji Tomita, Shin-ichiro Mori: A high-speed dynamic instruction scheduling scheme for superscalar processors. MICRO 2001: 225-236
1EEYasuhiko Nakashima, Toshiaki Kitamura, Hideo Tamura, Masaaki Takiuchi, Ken'ichi Miura: Scalar Processor of the VPP500 Parallel Supercomputer. International Conference on Supercomputing 1995: 348-356

Coauthor Index

1Xavier Défago [5]
2Masahiro Goshima [2] [4]
3Shinya Hiramoto [7]
4Yasuki Ikeuchi [6]
5Koh Kakusho [3]
6Toshiaki Kitamura [1] [2]
7Akihiko Konagaya [5]
8Hiroshi Matsuo [6]
9Michihiko Minoh [3]
10Ken'ichi Miura [1]
11Shin-ichiro Mori [2] [3] [4]
12Alam Mujahid [3]
13Masaki Nakanishi [7]
14Hiroshi Nakashima [6]
15Kengo Nishino [2]
16Kenji Satou [5]
17Yuki Shinomoto [4]
18Ikuma Suzuki [6]
19Motohiro Takayama [4]
20Masaaki Takiuchi [1]
21Hideo Tamura [1]
22Shinji Tomita [2] [3] [4]
23Shin'ichi Tsuji [5]
24Tomoaki Tsumura [6]
25Shigeru Yamashita [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)