
Ralf Nagel

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7EEGeorg Jung, Tiziana Margaria, Ralf Nagel, Wolfgang Schubert, Bernhard Steffen, Horst Voigt: SCA and jABC: Bringing a Service-Oriented Paradigm to Web-Service Construction. ISoLA 2008: 139-154
6EEMartina Hörmann, Tiziana Margaria, Thomas Mender, Ralf Nagel, Bernhard Steffen, Hong Trinh: The jABC Approach to Rigorous Collaborative Development of SCM Applications. ISoLA 2008: 724-737
5EEAnnett Mitschick, Ralf Nagel, Klaus Meißner: Semantic Metadata Instantiation and Consolidation within an Ontology-based Multimedia Document Management System. SeMMA 2008: 46-60
4EEBernhard Steffen, Tiziana Margaria, Ralf Nagel, Sven Jörges, Christian Kubczak: Model-Driven Development with the jABC. Haifa Verification Conference 2006: 92-108
3EETiziana Margaria, Ralf Nagel, Bernhard Steffen: Remote Integration and Coordination of Verification Tools in JETI. ECBS 2005: 431-436
2EETiziana Margaria, Ralf Nagel, Bernhard Steffen: jETI: A Tool for Remote Tool Integration. TACAS 2005: 557-562
1EEDetlef Ruprecht, Ralf Nagel, Heinrich Müller: Spatial free-form deformation with scattered data interpolation methods. Computers & Graphics 19(1): 63-71 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Martina Hörmann [6]
2Sven Jörges [4]
3Georg Jung [7]
4Christian Kubczak [4]
5Tiziana Margaria (Tiziana Margaria-Steffen) [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
6Klaus Meißner [5]
7Thomas Mender [6]
8Annett Mitschick [5]
9Heinrich Müller [1]
10Detlef Ruprecht [1]
11Wolfgang Schubert [7]
12Bernhard Steffen [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
13Hong Trinh [6]
14Horst Voigt [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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