
Emmanuel Néron

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8EEEmmanuel Néron, Fabrice Tercinet, Francis Sourd: Search tree based approaches for parallel machine scheduling. Computers & OR 35(4): 1127-1137 (2008)
7EECédric Pessan, Jean-Louis Bouquard, Emmanuel Néron: Genetic Branch-and-Bound or Exact Genetic Algorithm?. Artificial Evolution 2007: 136-147
6EEJacques Carlier, Emmanuel Néron: Computing redundant resources for the resource constrained project scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research 176(3): 1452-1463 (2007)
5EEFabrice Tercinet, Emmanuel Néron, Christophe Lenté: Energetic reasoning and bin-packing problem, for bounding a parallel machine scheduling problem. 4OR 4(4): 297-317 (2006)
4EEVincent T'Kindt, Jean-Charles Billaut, Jean-Louis Bouquard, Christophe Lenté, Patrick Martineau, Emmanuel Néron, Christian Proust, C. Tacquard: The e-OCEA project: towards an Internet decision system for scheduling problems. Decision Support Systems 40(2): 329-337 (2005)
3EEOdile Bellenguez, Emmanuel Néron: Lower Bounds for the Multi-skill Project Scheduling Problem with Hierarchical Levels of Skills. PATAT 2004: 229-243
2EEFabrice Tercinet, Christophe Lenté, Emmanuel Néron: Mixed satisfiability tests for multiprocessor scheduling with release dates and deadlines. Oper. Res. Lett. 32(4): 326-330 (2004)
1EEJacques Carlier, Emmanuel Néron: On linear lower bounds for the resource constrained project scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research 149(2): 314-324 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Odile Bellenguez [3]
2Jean-Charles Billaut [4]
3Jean-Louis Bouquard [4] [7]
4Jacques Carlier [1] [6]
5Christophe Lenté [2] [4] [5]
6Patrick Martineau [4]
7Cédric Pessan [7]
8Christian Proust [4]
9Francis Sourd [8]
10Vincent T'Kindt [4]
11C. Tacquard [4]
12Fabrice Tercinet [2] [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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