
Andrew C. Myers

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49EEXin Qi, Andrew C. Myers: Masked types for sound object initialization. POPL 2009: 53-65
48EEStephen Chong, Jed Liu, Andrew C. Myers, Xin Qi, K. Vikram, Lantian Zheng, Xin Zheng: Building secure web applications with automatic partitioning. Commun. ACM 52(2): 79-87 (2009)
47EEStephen Chong, Andrew C. Myers: End-to-End Enforcement of Erasure and Declassification. CSF 2008: 98-111
46EEMichael R. Clarkson, Stephen Chong, Andrew C. Myers: Civitas: Toward a Secure Voting System. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2008: 354-368
45EELantian Zheng, Andrew C. Myers: Securing nonintrusive web encryption through information flow. PLAS 2008: 125-134
44EEAlan Shieh, Andrew C. Myers, Emin Gün Sirer: A stateless approach to connection-oriented protocols. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 26(3): (2008)
43 Gilles Barthe, Heiko Mantel, Peter Müller, Andrew C. Myers, Andrei Sabelfeld: Mobility, Ubiquity and Security, 25.02. - 02.03.2007 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2007
42EEMichael E. Clarkson, Stephen Chong, Andrew C. Myers: Civitas: A Secure Remote Voting System. Frontiers of Electronic Voting 2007
41EEGilles Barthe, Heiko Mantel, Peter Müller, Andrew C. Myers, Andrei Sabelfeld: 07091 Abstracts Collection - Mobility, Ubiquity and Security. Mobility, Ubiquity and Security 2007
40EEGilles Barthe, Heiko Mantel, Peter Müller, Andrew C. Myers, Andrei Sabelfeld: 07091 Executive Summary - Mobility, Ubiquity and Security. Mobility, Ubiquity and Security 2007
39EEStephen Chong, Jed Liu, Andrew C. Myers, Xin Qi, K. Vikram, Lantian Zheng, Xin Zheng: Secure web application via automatic partitioning. SOSP 2007: 31-44
38EELantian Zheng, Andrew C. Myers: Dynamic security labels and static information flow control. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 6(2-3): 67-84 (2007)
37EEStephen Chong, Andrew C. Myers: Decentralized Robustness. CSFW 2006: 242-256
36EENathaniel Nystrom, Xin Qi, Andrew C. Myers: J&: nested intersection for scalable software composition. OOPSLA 2006: 21-36
35EEJed Liu, Aaron Kimball, Andrew C. Myers: Interruptible iterators. POPL 2006: 283-294
34EEAndrew C. Myers, Andrei Sabelfeld, Steve Zdancewic: Enforcing Robust Declassification and Qualified Robustness. Journal of Computer Security 14(2): 157-196 (2006)
33EEStephen Chong, Andrew C. Myers: Language-Based Information Erasure. CSFW 2005: 241-254
32EELantian Zheng, Andrew C. Myers: End-to-End Availability Policies and Noninterference. CSFW 2005: 272-286
31EEMichael R. Clarkson, Andrew C. Myers, Fred B. Schneider: Belief in Information Flow. CSFW 2005: 31-45
30EEAndrew C. Myers: Programming with Explicit Security Policies. ESOP 2005: 1-4
29EEAlan Shieh, Andrew C. Myers, Emin Gün Sirer: Trickles: A Stateless Network Stack for Improved Scalability, Resilience, and Flexibility. NSDI 2005
28EEAndrew C. Myers: Making distributed systems secure with program analysis and transformation. PASTE 2005: 47
27EEChavdar Botev, Hubert Chao, Theodore Chao, Yim Cheng, Raymond Doyle, Sergey Grankin, Jon Guarino, Saikat Guha, Pei-Chen Lee, Dan Perry, Christopher Re, Ilya Rifkin, Tingyan Yuan, Dora Abdullah, Kathy Carpenter, David Gries, Dexter Kozen, Andrew C. Myers, David I. Schwartz, Jayavel Shanmugasundaram: Supporting workflow in a course management system. SIGCSE 2005: 262-266
26EEStephen Chong, Andrew C. Myers: Security policies for downgrading. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2004: 198-209
25EEAndrew C. Myers, Andrei Sabelfeld, Steve Zdancewic: Enforcing Robust Declassification. CSFW 2004: 172-186
24EELantian Zheng, Andrew C. Myers: Dynamic Security Labels and Noninterference (Extended Abstract). Formal Aspects in Security and Trust 2004: 27-40
23EENathaniel Nystrom, Stephen Chong, Andrew C. Myers: Scalable extensibility via nested inheritance. OOPSLA 2004: 99-115
22EENathaniel Nystrom, Michael R. Clarkson, Andrew C. Myers: Polyglot: An Extensible Compiler Framework for Java. CC 2003: 138-152
21EESteve Zdancewic, Andrew C. Myers: Observational Determinism for Concurrent Program Security. CSFW 2003: 29-
20EELantian Zheng, Stephen Chong, Andrew C. Myers, Steve Zdancewic: Using Replication and Partitioning to Build Secure Distributed Systems. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2003: 236-250
19EEAndrei Sabelfeld, Andrew C. Myers: A Model for Delimited Information Release. ISSS 2003: 174-191
18EEJed Liu, Andrew C. Myers: JMatch: Iterable Abstract Pattern Matching for Java. PADL 2003: 110-127
17EESteve Zdancewic, Lantian Zheng, Nathaniel Nystrom, Andrew C. Myers: Secure program partitioning. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 20(3): 283-328 (2002)
16 Steve Zdancewic, Andrew C. Myers: Secure Information Flow via Linear Continuations. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 15(2-3): 209-234 (2002)
15EESteve Zdancewic, Andrew C. Myers: Robust Declassification. CSFW 2001: 15
14EESteve Zdancewic, Andrew C. Myers: Secure Information Flow and CPS. ESOP 2001: 46-61
13EEAndrew C. Myers: Security-Typed Languages and Distributed Computation. SAS 2001: 437-438
12EESteve Zdancewic, Lantian Zheng, Nathaniel Nystrom, Andrew C. Myers: Untrusted Hosts and Confidentiality: Secure Program Partitioning. SOSP 2001: 1-14
11EEAndrew C. Myers, Barbara Liskov: Protecting privacy using the decentralized label model. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 9(4): 410-442 (2000)
10EEAndrew C. Myers: JFlow: Practical Mostly-Static Information Flow Control. POPL 1999: 228-241
9EEAndrew C. Myers, Barbara Liskov: Complete, Safe Information Flow with Decentralized Labels. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1998: 186-197
8EEAndrew C. Myers, Joseph A. Bank, Barbara Liskov: Parameterized Types for Java. POPL 1997: 132-145
7 Miguel Castro, Atul Adya, Barbara Liskov, Andrew C. Myers: HAC: Hybrid Adaptive Caching for Distributed Storage Systems. SOSP 1997: 102-115
6 Andrew C. Myers, Barbara Liskov: A Decentralized Model for Information Flow Control. SOSP 1997: 129-142
5EEBarbara Liskov, Atul Adya, Miguel Castro, Mark Day, Sanjay Ghemawat, Robert Gruber, Umesh Maheshwari, Andrew C. Myers, Liuba Shrira: Safe and Efficient Sharing of Persistent Objects in Thor. SIGMOD Conference 1996: 318-329
4 Andrew C. Myers: Bidirectional Object Layout for Separate Compilation. OOPSLA 1995: 124-139
3 Mark Day, Robert Gruber, Barbara Liskov, Andrew C. Myers: Subtypes vs. Where Clauses: Constraining Parametric Polymorphism. OOPSLA 1995: 156-168
2 Andrew C. Myers: Resolving the Integrity/Performance Conflict. Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems 1993: 156-159
1EEMark Day, Barbara Liskov, Umesh Maheshwari, Andrew C. Myers: References to Remote Mobile Objects in Thor. LOPLAS 2(1-4): 115-126 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Dora Abdullah [27]
2Atul Adya [5] [7]
3Joseph A. Bank [8]
4Gilles Barthe [40] [41] [43]
5Chavdar Botev [27]
6Kathy Carpenter [27]
7Miguel Castro [5] [7]
8Hubert Chao [27]
9Theodore Chao [27]
10Yim Cheng [27]
11Stephen Chong [20] [23] [26] [33] [37] [39] [42] [46] [47] [48]
12Michael E. Clarkson [42]
13Michael R. Clarkson [22] [31] [46]
14Mark Day [1] [3] [5]
15Raymond Doyle [27]
16Sanjay Ghemawat [5]
17Sergey Grankin [27]
18David Gries [27]
19Robert Gruber [3] [5]
20Jon Guarino [27]
21Saikat Guha [27]
22Aaron Kimball [35]
23Dexter Kozen [27]
24Pei-Chen Lee [27]
25Barbara Liskov [1] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
26Jed Liu [18] [35] [39] [48]
27Umesh Maheshwari [1] [5]
28Heiko Mantel [40] [41] [43]
29Peter Müller [40] [41] [43]
30Nathaniel Nystrom [12] [17] [22] [23] [36]
31Dan Perry [27]
32Xin Qi [36] [39] [48] [49]
33Christopher Ré (Christopher Re) [27]
34Ilya Rifkin [27]
35Andrei Sabelfeld [19] [25] [34] [40] [41] [43]
36Fred B. Schneider [31]
37David I. Schwartz [27]
38Jayavel Shanmugasundaram [27]
39Alan Shieh [29] [44]
40Liuba Shrira [5]
41Emin Gün Sirer [29] [44]
42K. Vikram [39] [48]
43Tingyan Yuan [27]
44Steve Zdancewic [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [20] [21] [25] [34]
45Lantian Zheng [12] [17] [20] [24] [32] [38] [39] [45] [48]
46Xin Zheng [39] [48]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)