
Yukiyasu Mutoh

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4 Takaaki Hishida, Masakazu Jimbo, Miwako Mishima, Yukiyasu Mutoh, Kazuhiro Ozawa: Further constructions for BIB designs with nested rows and columns. Ars Comb. 86: (2008)
3EEAnna Draganova, Yukiyasu Mutoh, Richard M. Wilson: More on decompositions of edge-colored complete graphs. Discrete Mathematics 308(14): 2926-2943 (2008)
2EEYukiyasu Mutoh, Vladimir D. Tonchev: Difference systems of sets and cyclotomy. Discrete Mathematics 308(14): 2959-2969 (2008)
1EEYukiyasu Mutoh, Toshio Morihara, Masakazu Jimbo, Hung-Lin Fu: The Existence of 2x4 Grid-Block Designs and Their Applications. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 16(2): 173-178 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Anna Draganova [3]
2Hung-Lin Fu (H. L. Fu) [1]
3Takaaki Hishida [4]
4Masakazu Jimbo [1] [4]
5Miwako Mishima [4]
6Toshio Morihara [1]
7Kazuhiro Ozawa [4]
8Vladimir D. Tonchev [2]
9Richard M. Wilson [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)