
Miwako Mishima

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6 Takaaki Hishida, Masakazu Jimbo, Miwako Mishima, Yukiyasu Mutoh, Kazuhiro Ozawa: Further constructions for BIB designs with nested rows and columns. Ars Comb. 86: (2008)
5EEMiwako Mishima: The spectrum of 1-rotational Steiner triple systems over a dicyclic group. Discrete Mathematics 308(12): 2617-2619 (2008)
4EEMasakazu Jimbo, Miwako Mishima, Susan Janiszewski, Amin Y. Teymorian, Vladimir D. Tonchev: On Conflict-Avoiding Codes of Length n=4m for Three Active Users. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(8): 2732-2742 (2007)
3 Ryoh Fuji-Hara, Ying Miao, Miwako Mishima: Optimal frequency hopping sequences: a combinatorial approach. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(10): 2408-2420 (2004)
2EEMiwako Mishima, Masakazu Jimbo: Recursive constructions for cyclic quasiframes and cyclically resolvable cyclic Steiner 2-designs. Discrete Mathematics 211: 135-152 (2000)
1EEMiwako Mishima, Masakazu Jimbo: A series of identities for the coefficients of inverse matrices on a Hamming scheme. Discrete Mathematics 156(1-3): 285-290 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Ryoh Fuji-Hara [3]
2Takaaki Hishida [6]
3Susan Janiszewski [4]
4Masakazu Jimbo [1] [2] [4] [6]
5Ying Miao [3]
6Yukiyasu Mutoh [6]
7Kazuhiro Ozawa [6]
8Amin Y. Teymorian [4]
9Vladimir D. Tonchev [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)