
Masashi Murata

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5EEHisayoshi Sugiyama, Tetsuo Tsujioka, Masashi Murata: Coordination of Rescue Robots for Real-Time Exploration Over Disaster Areas. ISORC 2008: 170-177
4EEHisayoshi Sugiyama, Tetsuo Tsujioka, Masashi Murata: Reconnaissance into distant spaces by multi-robot rescue system with ad hoc networking. ROBOCOMM 2007: 51
3EEHisayoshi Sugiyama, Tetsuo Tsujioka, Masashi Murata: QoS Routing in a Multi-Robot Network System for Urban Search and Rescue. AINA (2) 2006: 323-330
2EEHisayoshi Sugiyama, Tetsuo Tsujioka, Masashi Murata: Collaborative movement of rescue robots for reliable and effective networking in disaster area. CollaborateCom 2005
1 Hisayoshi Sugiyama, Tetsuo Tsujioka, Masashi Murata: Victim Detection System for Urban Search and Rescue Based on Active Network Operation. HIS 2003: 1104-1113

Coauthor Index

1Hisayoshi Sugiyama [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Tetsuo Tsujioka [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)