
Venkat Murali

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8EEVenkat Murali: Equivalent finite fuzzy sets and Stirling numbers. Inf. Sci. 174(3-4): 251-263 (2005)
7EEVenkat Murali, Babington B. Makamba: Counting the number of fuzzy subgroups of an abelian group of order pnqm. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 144(3): 459-470 (2004)
6EEVenkat Murali: Fuzzy points of equivalent fuzzy subsets. Inf. Sci. 158: 277-288 (2004)
5EEVenkat Murali, Babington B. Makamba: On an equivalence of fuzzy subgroups II. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 136(1): 93-104 (2003)
4 Venkat Murali: Fuzzy Subgroups Of An Abelian Group Of Order Pnqm. JCIS 2002: 64-67
3EEG. Lubczonok, Venkat Murali: On flags and fuzzy subspaces of vector spaces. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125(2): 201-207 (2002)
2EEVenkat Murali, Babington B. Makamba: On an equivalence of fuzzy subgroups I. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 123(2): 259-264 (2001)
1EEBabington B. Makamba, Venkat Murali: Normality and congruence in fuzzy subgroups. Inf. Sci. 59(1-2): 121-129 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1G. Lubczonok [3]
2Babington B. Makamba [1] [2] [5] [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)