
Stefan Mueller

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6EEMarko Heinrich, Bruce H. Thomas, Stefan Mueller, Christian Sandor: An augmented reality weather system. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2008: 170-173
5EEThorsten Grosch, Tobias Eble, Stefan Mueller: Consistent interactive augmentation of live camera images with correct near-field illumination. VRST 2007: 125-132
4EEHolger Regenbrecht, Daniel Wickeroth, Brian Dixon, Stefan Mueller: Collaborative Mixed Reality Exposure Therapy. CW 2006: 25-32
3EEBerthold Crysmann, Anette Frank, Bernd Kiefer, Stefan Mueller, Günter Neumann, Jakub Piskorski, Ulrich Schäfer, Melanie Siegel, Hans Uszkoreit, Feiyu Xu, Markus Becker, Hans-Ulrich Krieger: An Integrated Archictecture for Shallow and Deep Processing. ACL 2002: 441-448
2EEMarko Boger, Mario Jeckle, Stefan Mueller, Jens Fransson: Diagram Interchange for UML. UML 2002: 398-411
1EEIngo Adlung, Gerhard Banzhaf, Wolfgang Eckert, George Kuch, Stefan Mueller, Christoph Raisch: FCP for the IBM eServer zSeries systems: Access to distributed storage. IBM Journal of Research and Development 46(4-5): 487-502 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Ingo Adlung [1]
2Gerhard Banzhaf [1]
3Markus Becker [3]
4Marko Boger [2]
5Berthold Crysmann [3]
6Brian Dixon [4]
7Tobias Eble [5]
8Wolfgang Eckert [1]
9Anette Frank [3]
10Jens Fransson [2]
11Thorsten Grosch [5]
12Marko Heinrich [6]
13Mario Jeckle [2]
14Bernd Kiefer [3]
15Hans-Ulrich Krieger [3]
16George Kuch [1]
17Günter Neumann [3]
18Jakub Piskorski [3]
19Christoph Raisch [1]
20Holger Regenbrecht [4]
21Christian Sandor [6]
22Ulrich Schäfer [3]
23Melanie Siegel [3]
24Bruce H. Thomas [6]
25Hans Uszkoreit [3]
26Daniel Wickeroth [4]
27Feiyu Xu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)