
Emily Mower

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3EEEmily Mower, Sungbok Lee, Maja J. Mataric, Shrikanth Narayanan: Joint-processing of audio-visual signals in human perception of conflicting synthetic character emotions. ICME 2008: 961-964
2EEEmily Mower, Maja J. Mataric, Shrikanth Narayanan: Selection of Emotionally Salient Audio-Visual Features for Modeling Human Evaluations of Synthetic Character Emotion Displays. ISM 2008: 190-195
1EEMichael Grimm, Kristian Kroschel, Emily Mower, Shrikanth Narayanan: Primitives-based evaluation and estimation of emotions in speech. Speech Communication 49(10-11): 787-800 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Grimm [1]
2Kristian Kroschel [1]
3Sungbok Lee [3]
4Maja J. Mataric [2] [3]
5Shrikanth Narayanan [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)