
D. W. Mount

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6 M. Dubnick, D. W. Mount: SPLICE, a computer program for automated extraction of information from GenBank sequence entries. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 6(4): 343-346 (1990)
5 D. W. Mount, B. Conrad: Improved programs for DNA and protein sequence analysis on the IBM personal computer and other standard computer systems. Nucleic Acids Research 14(1): 443-454 (1986)
4 Eugene W. Myers, D. W. Mount: Computer program for the IBM personal computer which searches for approximate matches to short oligonucleotide sequences in long target DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 14(1): 501-508 (1986)
3 D. W. Mount, B. Conrad: Microcomputer programs for graphic analysis of nucleic acid and protein sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 12(1): 811-817 (1984)
2 D. W. Mount, B. Conrad: Microcomputer programs for back translation of protein to DNA sequences and analysis of ambiguous DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 12(1): 819-823 (1984)
1 B. Conrad, D. W. Mount: Microcomputer programs for DNA sequence analysis. Nucleic Acids Research 10(1): 31-38 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1B. Conrad [1] [2] [3] [5]
2M. Dubnick [6]
3Eugene W. Myers (Gene Myers) [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)