
Thomas Moschny

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5EEChristian Hütter, Thomas Moschny: Runtime Locality Optimizations of Distributed Java Applications. PDP 2008: 149-156
4EEFlorin Isaila, David E. Singh, Jesús Carretero, Félix García, Gabor Szeder, Thomas Moschny: Integrating Logical and Physical File Models in the MPI-IO Implementation for "Clusterfile". CCGRID 2006: 462
3EEBernhard Haumacher, Thomas Moschny, Jürgen Reuter, Walter F. Tichy: Transparent Distributed Threads for Java. IPDPS 2003: 136
2 Norbert Eicker, Florin Isaila, Thomas Lippert, Thomas Moschny, Walter F. Tichy: Fast Parallel I/O on ParaStation Clusters. PARCO 2003: 559-568
1EEThomas Düssel, Norbert Eicker, Florin Isaila, Thomas Lippert, Thomas Moschny, Hartmut Neff, Klaus Schilling, Walter F. Tichy: Fast Parallel I/O on Cluster Computers CoRR cs.DC/0303016: (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Félix García Carballeira (Félix García) [4]
2Jesús Carretero (Jesús Carretero Pérez) [4]
3Thomas Düssel [1]
4Norbert Eicker [1] [2]
5Bernhard Haumacher [3]
6Christian Hütter [5]
7Florin Isaila [1] [2] [4]
8Thomas Lippert [1] [2]
9Hartmut Neff [1]
10Jürgen Reuter [3]
11Klaus Schilling [1]
12David E. Singh [4]
13Gabor Szeder [4]
14Walter F. Tichy [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)