
Gabriel A. Moreno

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9EEScott A. Hissam, Gabriel A. Moreno, Daniel Plakosh, Isak Savo, Marcin Stelmarczyk: Predicting the Behavior of a Highly Configurable Component Based Real-Time System. ECRTS 2008: 57-68
8EEJames Ivers, Gabriel A. Moreno: PACC starter kit: developing software with predictable behavior. ICSE Companion 2008: 949-950
7EEMark Klein, Gabriel A. Moreno, David C. Parkes, Daniel Plakosh, Sven Seuken, Kurt C. Wallnau: Handling interdependent values in an auction mechanism for bandwidth allocation in tactical data networks. NetEcon 2008: 73-78
6EEGabriel A. Moreno, Paulo Merson: Model-Driven Performance Analysis. QoSA 2008: 135-151
5EEGabriel A. Moreno, Connie U. Smith, Lloyd G. Williams: Performance analysis of real-time component architectures: a model interchange approach. WOSP 2008: 115-126
4EEJames Ivers, Gabriel A. Moreno: Model-driven development with predictable quality. OOPSLA Companion 2007: 874-875
3EEGabriel A. Moreno: Creating custom containers with generative techniques. GPCE 2006: 29-38
2EEScott A. Hissam, Gabriel A. Moreno, Judith A. Stafford, Kurt C. Wallnau: Enabling predictable assembly. Journal of Systems and Software 65(3): 185-198 (2003)
1EEScott A. Hissam, Gabriel A. Moreno, Judith A. Stafford, Kurt C. Wallnau: Packaging Predictable Assembly. Component Deployment 2002: 108-124

Coauthor Index

1Scott A. Hissam [1] [2] [9]
2James Ivers [4] [8]
3Mark Klein [7]
4Paulo Merson [6]
5David C. Parkes [7]
6Daniel Plakosh [7] [9]
7Isak Savo [9]
8Sven Seuken [7]
9Connie U. Smith [5]
10Judith A. Stafford [1] [2]
11Marcin Stelmarczyk [9]
12Kurt C. Wallnau [1] [2] [7]
13Lloyd G. Williams [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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