
Delfin Y. Montuno

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34EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno, Kent Felske: Design of rate-based controllers for active queue management in TCP/IP networks. Computer Communications 31(14): 3344-3359 (2008)
33EEJames Aweya, Delfin Y. Montuno, Michel Ouellette, Kent Felske: Analysis of a clock-recovery technique for circuit emulation services over packet networks. Int. J. Communication Systems 21(1): 73-97 (2008)
32EEJames Aweya, Delfin Y. Montuno, Michel Ouellette, Kent Felske: Clock synchronization for packet networks using a weighted least-squares error filtering technique and enabling circuit emulation service. Int. J. Communication Systems 20(6): 669-694 (2007)
31EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: A simple mechanism for stabilizing network queues in TCP/IP networks. Int. Journal of Network Management 17(4): 275-286 (2007)
30EEJames Aweya, Delfin Y. Montuno, Michel Ouellette, Kent Felske: Clock recovery based on packet inter-arrival time averaging. Computer Communications 29(10): 1696-1709 (2006)
29EEJames Aweya, Delfin Y. Montuno, Michel Ouellette, Kent Felske: Clock synchronization using a linear process model. Int. Journal of Network Management 16(1): 3-28 (2006)
28EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno, Kent Felske: Rate-based proportional-integral control scheme for active queue management. Int. Journal of Network Management 16(3): 203-231 (2006)
27EEAbel Dasylva, Delfin Y. Montuno, Prasad Kodaypak: Optimization of optical cross-connects with wave-mixing conversion. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 13(2): 448-458 (2005)
26EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: Relative loss rate differentiation: performance of short-lived TCP flows. Int. J. Communication Systems 18(1): 77-93 (2005)
25EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: Proportional loss rate differentiation in a FIFO queue. Computer Communications 27(18): 1851-1867 (2004)
24EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: Design and stability analysis of a rate control algorithm using the Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 12(4): 719-732 (2004)
23EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno, Kent Felske: Circuit emulation services over ethernet-part 1: clock synchronization using timestamps. Int. Journal of Network Management 14(1): 29-44 (2004)
22EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno, Jeganathan Markandu, Karin Sundstrom, Kent Felske: Circuit emulation services over ethernet-part 2: prototype and experimental results. Int. Journal of Network Management 14(1): 45-58 (2004)
21EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: Weighted proportional loss rate differentiation of TCP traffic. Int. Journal of Network Management 14(4): 257-272 (2004)
20EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Abel Dasylva, Delfin Y. Montuno: DRED-MP: queue management with multiple levels of drop precedence. Int. Journal of Network Management 14(6): 405-424 (2004)
19EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: Active queue management with flow proportional buffering. Int. Journal of Network Management 13(3): 211-229 (2003)
18EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: A multi-queue TCP window control scheme with dynamic buffer allocation. Journal of Systems Architecture 49(7-9): 369-385 (2003)
17EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: TCP rate control with dynamic buffer sharing. Computer Communications 25(10): 922-943 (2002)
16EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: A linear system analysis of RED. Computer Communications 25(18): 1736-1750 (2002)
15EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: Multi-level active queue management with dynamic thresholds. Computer Communications 25(8): 756-771 (2002)
14EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno, Bernard Doray, Kent Felske: An adaptive load balancing scheme for web servers. Int. Journal of Network Management 12(1): 3-39 (2002)
13EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: Service differentiation using a multi-level RED mechanism. Int. Journal of Network Management 12(2): 81-98 (2002)
12EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: A self-regulating TCP acknowledgment (ACK) pacing scheme. Int. Journal of Network Management 12(3): 145-163 (2002)
11EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: Interworking of switched ethernet and ATM flow control mechanisms. Int. Journal of Network Management 12(6): 357-366 (2002)
10 James Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: Stability and Fairness of a Rate Allocation Scheme. Telecommunication Systems 20(3-4): 195-239 (2002)
9EEJing Wu, Delfin Y. Montuno, H. T. Mouftah, Guoqiang Wang, Abel Dasylva: Improving the Reliability of the Label Distribution Protocol. LCN 2001: 236-242
8EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: A control theoretic approach to active queue management. Computer Networks 36(2/3): 203-235 (2001)
7EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno, Alan Chapman: A load adaptive mechanism for buffer management. Computer Networks 36(5/6): 709-728 (2001)
6EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno, Alan Chapman: Enhancing TCP performance with a load-adaptive RED mechanism. Int. Journal of Network Management 11(1): 31-50 (2001)
5EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno, Zhonghui Yao: Improving network service quality with explicit TCP window control. Int. Journal of Network Management 11(3): 169-188 (2001)
4EEJames Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: Weighted proportional window control of TCP traffic. Int. Journal of Network Management 11(4): 213-242 (2001)
3 James Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno: Discrete-time analysis of a rate control mechanism. Perform. Eval. 43(2-3): 63-94 (2001)
2 James Aweya, Michel Ouellette, Delfin Y. Montuno, Zhonghui Yao: WINTRAC: a TCP window adjustment scheme for bandwidth management. Perform. Eval. 46(1): 1-44 (2001)
1EEJames Aweya, Delfin Y. Montuno, Q. Zhang, Luis Orozco-Barbosa: A Binary Feedback Flow Control Scheme using System Sensitivity Derivatives for Congestion Detection. MASCOTS 1998: 112-

Coauthor Index

1James Aweya [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34]
2Alan Chapman [6] [7]
3Abel Dasylva [9] [20] [27]
4Bernard Doray [14]
5Kent Felske [14] [22] [23] [28] [29] [30] [32] [33] [34]
6Prasad Kodaypak [27]
7Jeganathan Markandu [22]
8H. T. Mouftah (Hussein T. Mouftah) [9]
9Luis Orozco-Barbosa [1]
10Michel Ouellette [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34]
11Karin Sundstrom [22]
12Guoqiang Wang [9]
13Jing Wu [9]
14Zhonghui Yao [2] [5]
15Q. Zhang [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)