
José A. Montenegro

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17EEIsaac Agudo, Javier Lopez, José A. Montenegro: Enabling Attribute Delegation in Ubiquitous Environments. MONET 13(3-4): 398-410 (2008)
16EEIsaac Agudo, Javier Lopez, José A. Montenegro: Attribute delegation in ubiquitous environments. MobiMedia 2007: 43
15EEIsaac Agudo, Javier Lopez, José A. Montenegro: Implementation aspects of a delegation system. MobiMedia 2007: 50
14EEIsaac Agudo, Javier Lopez, José A. Montenegro: Graphical Representation of Authorization Policies for Weighted Credentials. ACISP 2006: 383-394
13EEChristian Schläger, Thomas Nowey, José A. Montenegro: A Reference Model for Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructures Respecting Privacy and Flexibility in b2c eCommerce. ARES 2006: 709-716
12EEIsaac Agudo, Javier Lopez, José A. Montenegro: Attribute Delegation Based on Ontologies and Context Information. Communications and Multimedia Security 2006: 54-66
11EEJavier Lopez, José A. Montenegro, Rodrigo Roman: Service-Oriented Security Architecture for CII based on Sensor Networks. SecPerU 2006: 1-6
10EEFlorina Almenárez Mendoza, Mildrey Carbonell, Jordi Forné, Francisca Hinarejos, Marc Lacoste, Andrés Marín López, José A. Montenegro: Design of an Enhanced PKI for Ubiquitous Networks. DEXA Workshops 2005: 262-266
9EEIsaac Agudo, Javier Lopez, José A. Montenegro: A Representation Model of Trust Relationships with Delegation Extensions. iTrust 2005: 116-130
8EEJosé A. Montenegro, Fernando Moya: A Practical Approach of X.509 Attribute Certificate Framework as Support to Obtain Privilege Delegation. EuroPKI 2004: 160-172
7EEVicente Benjumea, Javier Lopez, José A. Montenegro, José M. Troya: A First Approach to Provide Anonymity in Attribute Certificates. Public Key Cryptography 2004: 402-415
6EEJavier Lopez, Antonio Mana, José A. Montenegro, Juan J. Ortega: PKI design based on the use of on-line certification authorities. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 2(2): 91-102 (2004)
5EEAntonio Mana, José A. Montenegro, Carsten Rudolph, José Luis Vivas: A business process-driven approach to security engineering. DEXA Workshops 2003: 477-481
4EEJosé Luis Vivas, José A. Montenegro, Javier Lopez: Towards a Business Process-Driven Framework for Security Engineering with the UML. ISC 2003: 381-395
3EEJavier Lopez, Antonio Mana, José A. Montenegro, Juan J. Ortega, José M. Troya: Towards a Trustful and Flexible Environment for Secure Communications with Public Administrations. EGOV 2002: 211-214
2EEEd Dawson, Javier Lopez, José A. Montenegro, Eiji Okamoto: A New Design of Privilege Management Infrastructure for Organizations Using Outsourced PKI. ISC 2002: 136-149
1EEJavier Lopez, José A. Montenegro, Rodrigo Roman, Jorge Davila: Design of a VPN Software Solution Integrating TCP and UDP Services. InfraSec 2002: 325-338

Coauthor Index

1Isaac Agudo [9] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17]
2Vicente Benjumea [7]
3Mildrey Carbonell Castro (Mildrey Carbonell) [10]
4Jorge Davila [1]
5Ed Dawson [2]
6Jordi Forné [10]
7Francisca Hinarejos [10]
8Marc Lacoste [10]
9Andrés Marín López [10]
10Javier Lopez [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [9] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17]
11Antonio Maña (Antonio Mana) [3] [5] [6]
12Florina Almenárez Mendoza [10]
13Fernando Moya [8]
14Thomas Nowey [13]
15Eiji Okamoto [2]
16Juan J. Ortega [3] [6]
17Rodrigo Roman [1] [11]
18Carsten Rudolph [5]
19Christian Schläger [13]
20José M. Troya (José María Troya Linero) [3] [7]
21José Luis Vivas [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)