
Abbas Mohammed

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10EEZhe Yang, Saltant Khamit, Abbas Mohammed, Peter Larson: A comparative study on business models of municipal wireless cities in US and Sweden. BDIM 2008: 116-117
9EEZhe Yang, Abbas Mohammed: Business model design for capacity-driven services from High Altitude Platforms. BDIM 2008: 118-119
8EEZhe Yang, Abbas Mohammed: On the Cost-Effective Wireless Broadband Service Delivery from High Altitude Platforms with an Economical Business Model Design. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
7EEAmmar Osman, Abbas Mohammed: Performance Evaluation of a Low-Complexity OFDM UMTS-LTE System. VTC Spring 2008: 2142-2146
6EEAbbas Mohammed, Tommy Hult: Evaluation of Depolarization Effects on the Performance of High Altitude Platforms (HAPs). VTC Spring 2008: 2942-2946
5EESabbir Ahmed, Christian Ibars, Aitor del Coso, Abbas Mohammed: Performance of Multi-Channel MAC Incorporating Opportunistic Cooperative Diversity. VTC Spring 2007: 1297-1301
4EETommy Hult, Abbas Mohammed: Compact MIMO Antennas and HAP Diversity for Enhanced Data Rate Communications. VTC Spring 2007: 1385-1389
3EETommy Hult, Abbas Mohammed: Assessment of Multipath Propagation for a 2.4 GHz Short-Range Wireless Communication System. VTC Spring 2007: 544-548
2EESven Nordebo, Abbas Mohammed: A semi-definite programming approach to spatial decorrelation of independently polarized signals. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7(1): 91-101 (2007)
1EETommy Hult, Abbas Mohammed: HAP Diversity and Compact MIMO Antennas for High Data Rate Communications. VTC Fall 2006: 1-4

Coauthor Index

1Sabbir Ahmed [5]
2Aitor del Coso [5]
3Tommy Hult [1] [3] [4] [6]
4Christian Ibars [5]
5Saltant Khamit [10]
6Peter Larson [10]
7Sven Nordebo [2]
8Ammar Osman [7]
9Zhe Yang [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)