
Sabbir Ahmed

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5 Sabbir Ahmed, Gour C. Karmakar, Joarder Kamruzzaman: Geographic Constraint Mobility Model for Ad Hoc Network. MASCOTS 2008: 337-346
4 Sabbir Ahmed, Kyoji Kawagoe: Searching Technique in Peer-to-Peer Networks by Detecting Stable Nodes. Communications in Computing 2007: 30-35
3 Sabbir Ahmed, Taku Noguchi, Makoto Kawai: PAPR Reduction in MC-CDMA Systems by Selection of Spreading Code Subsets. ICWN 2007: 86-89
2EESabbir Ahmed, Christian Ibars, Aitor del Coso, Abbas Mohammed: Performance of Multi-Channel MAC Incorporating Opportunistic Cooperative Diversity. VTC Spring 2007: 1297-1301
1 Sabbir Ahmed, Leisa Armstrong: Securing Web Services with XML aware Digital Signatures. AISM 2004: 129-134

Coauthor Index

1Leisa Armstrong [1]
2Aitor del Coso [2]
3Christian Ibars [2]
4Joarder Kamruzzaman [5]
5Gour C. Karmakar [5]
6Kyoji Kawagoe [4]
7Makoto Kawai [3]
8Abbas Mohammed [2]
9Taku Noguchi [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)