
Kazuhisa Miwa

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15EEJunya Morita, Kazuhisa Miwa, Takayuki Kitasaka, Kensaku Mori, Yasuhito Suenaga, Shingo Iwano, Mitsuru Ikeda, Takeo Ishigaki: Interactions of perceptual and conceptual processing: Expertise in medical image diagnosis. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(5): 370-390 (2008)
14 Akira Urao, Kazuhisa Miwa: Effects of Cognitive Load in Acquisition of Assembly Skills. ICCE 2007: 339-346
13 Kazuaki Kojima, Kazuhisa Miwa: Experimental Investigation and Implementation of Support for Problem Generation by Presenting Cases. ICCE 2006: 123-126
12EEKazuaki Kojima, Kazuhisa Miwa: Evaluation of a System That Generates Word Problems Through Interactions with a User. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 124-133
11EENorio Ishii, Kazuhisa Miwa: Supporting reflective practice in creativity education. Creativity & Cognition 2005: 150-157
10 Kazuaki Kojima, Kazuhisa Miwa: A System that Generates Word Problems Using Problem Generation Episodes. ICCE 2005: 195-202
9 Takafumi Ichihara, Kazuhisa Miwa, Norio Ishii: Analysis of Collaborative Problem Solving Based on Thinking Styles. ICCE 2005: 698-701
8 Akira Urao, Kazuhisa Miwa: Development and Evaluation of a Learning Support System for Learning by Following. ICCE 2005: 922-925
7 Ryuichi Nakaike, Kazuhisa Miwa: A Tutoring System for the Hypothesis-Testing Process through Graphing Activites. CATE 2004: 230-235
6EEJunya Morita, Kazuhisa Miwa: A Computational Analysis Model for Complex Open-ended Analogical Retrieval. ICCM 2004: 202-207
5EENorio Ishii, Kazuhisa Miwa: Interactive processes between mental and external operations in creative activity: a comparison of experts' and novices' performance. Creativity & Cognition 2002: 178-185
4EEHitomi Saito, Kazuhisa Miwa: Discovery Process on the WWW: Analysis Based on a Theory of Scientific Discovery. Discovery Science 2002: 449-456
3EEHitomi Saito, Kazuhisa Miwa: A Cognitive Study of Information Seeking Processes in the WWW: The Effects of Searcher's Knowledge and Experience. WISE (1) 2001: 321-
2EEKazuhisa Miwa: Human Discovery Processes Based on Searching Experiments in Virtual Psychological Research Environment. Discovery Science 2000: 225-239
1EEKazuhisa Miwa: Collaborative Hypothesis Testing Processes by Interactive Production Systems. Discovery Science 1999: 56-67

Coauthor Index

1Takafumi Ichihara [9]
2Mitsuru Ikeda [15]
3Takeo Ishigaki [15]
4Norio Ishii [5] [9] [11]
5Shingo Iwano [15]
6Takayuki Kitasaka [15]
7Kazuaki Kojima [10] [12] [13]
8Kensaku Mori [15]
9Junya Morita [6] [15]
10Ryuichi Nakaike [7]
11Hitomi Saito [3] [4]
12Yasuhito Suenaga [15]
13Akira Urao [8] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)