
Manoj Misra

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29EEPradeep Macharla, Rakesh Kumar, Anil Kumar Sarje, Manoj Misra: A QoS routing protocol for delay-sensitive applications in mobile ad hoc networks. COMSWARE 2008: 720-727
28EEUdai Shanker, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje: Distributed real time database systems: background and literature review. Distributed and Parallel Databases 23(2): 127-149 (2008)
27EENimesh Desai, Kumkum Garg, Manoj Misra, Bharadwaj Veeravalli: Modeling Hierarchical Mobile Agent Security Protocol Using CP Nets. HiPC 2007: 637-649
26EENavdeep Kaur, Rajwinder Singh, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje: Secure Transaction Management Protocols for MLS/DDBMS. ICISS 2007: 219-233
25EEAjey Kumar, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje: A weighted cache replacement policy for location dependent data in mobile environments. SAC 2007: 920-924
24EERuchir Shah, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Manoj Misra: On the Design of Adaptive and Decentralized Load Balancing Algorithms with Load Estimation for Computational Grid Environments. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(12): 1675-1686 (2007)
23EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Supporting cooperative caching in mobile ad hoc networks using clusters. IJAHUC 2(1/2): 58-72 (2007)
22EENarottam Chand, Ramesh Chandra Joshi, Manoj Misra: Energy efficient cache invalidation in a disconnected wireless mobile environment. IJAHUC 2(1/2): 83-91 (2007)
21EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Cooperative caching in mobile ad hoc networks based on data utility. Mobile Information Systems 3(1): 19-37 (2007)
20EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Exploiting caching in heterogeneous mobile environment. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7(7): 835-848 (2007)
19EEUdai Shanker, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje: OCP: a distributed real time commit protocol. ADC 2006: 193-202
18 Narottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Efficient cooperative caching in ad hoc networks. COMSWARE 2006
17EERuchir Shah, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Manoj Misra: Estimation Based Load Balancing Algorithm for Data-Intensive Heterogeneous Grid Environments. HiPC 2006: 72-83
16EENavdeep Kaur, Rajwinder Singh, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje: A Secure Concurrency Control for MLS/DDBSs. ICDIM 2006: 41-46
15EENavdeep Kaur, Rajwinder Singh, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje: Fairness Strategy for Multilevel Secure Concurrency Control Protocol. ICISS 2006: 71-85
14EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Efficient Cache Replacement in Mobile Environment Using Data Profit. ICPADS (1) 2006: 203-212
13EEUdai Shanker, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje, Rahul Shisondia: Dependency Sensitive Shadow SWIFT. IDEAS 2006: 273-276
12EEUdai Shanker, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje: SWIFT-A new real time commit protocol. Distributed and Parallel Databases 20(1): 29-56 (2006)
11EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: A zone co-operation approach for efficient caching in mobile ad hoc networks. Int. J. Communication Systems 19(9): 1009-1028 (2006)
10 Udai Shanker, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje: A New Commit Protocol for Distributed Real-Time Database Systems. Databases and Applications 2005: 122-127
9EENavdeep Kaur, Rajwinder Singh, Anil Kumar Sarje, Manoj Misra: Performance Evaluation of Secure Concurrency Control Algorithm for Multilevel Secure Distributed Database Systems. ITCC (1) 2005: 249-254
8EERanjana Bhadoria, Shukti Das, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje: Performance Comparison of Majority Voting with ROWA Replication Method over PlanetLab. IWDC 2005: 147-152
7EEUdai Shanker, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje: A Memory Efficient Fast Distributed Real Time Commit Protocol. IWDC 2005: 500-505
6EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Efficient Mobility Management for Cache Invalidation in Wireless Mobile Environment. IWDC 2005: 536-541
5 Ajey Kumar, Manoj Misra, Anil Kumar Sarje: Strategies for Cache Invalidation of Location Dependent Data in Mobile Environment. PDPTA 2005: 38-44
4EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Broadcast Based Cache Invalidation and Prefetching in Mobile Environment. HiPC 2004: 410-419
3EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Energy Efficient Cache Invalidation in a Disconnected Mobile Environment. ICDCIT 2004: 85-95
2EEL. Kumar, Manoj Misra, Isi Mitrani: Analysis of a Transaction System with Checkpointing, Failures, and Rollback. Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS 2002: 279-288
1 Manoj Misra, Isi Mitrani: On the Propagation of Updates in Distributed Replicated Systems. Perform. Eval. 35(3-4): 131-144 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Ranjana Bhadoria [8]
2Narottam Chand [3] [4] [6] [11] [14] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23]
3Shukti Das [8]
4Nimesh Desai [27]
5Kumkum Garg [27]
6Ramesh Chandra Joshi (Ramesh C. Joshi) [3] [4] [6] [11] [14] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23]
7Navdeep Kaur [9] [15] [16] [26]
8Ajey Kumar [5] [25]
9L. Kumar [2]
10Rakesh Kumar [29]
11Pradeep Macharla [29]
12Isi Mitrani [1] [2]
13Anil Kumar Sarje [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [15] [16] [19] [25] [26] [28] [29]
14Ruchir Shah [17] [24]
15Udai Shanker [7] [10] [12] [13] [19] [28]
16Rahul Shisondia [13]
17Rajwinder Singh [9] [15] [16] [26]
18Bharadwaj Veeravalli [17] [24] [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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