
Ramesh Chandra Joshi

Ramesh C. Joshi

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25EERajesh K. Bhatia, Mayank Dave, Ramesh C. Joshi: Ant colony based rule generation for reusable software component retrieval. ISEC 2008: 129-130
24EEAnjali Sardana, Ramesh Chandra Joshi: Honeypot Based Routing to Mitigate DDoS Attacks on Servers at ISP Level. ISIP 2008: 505-509
23EEVijay K. Verma, Ramesh C. Joshi, Bin Xie, Dharma P. Agrawal: Combating the bloated state problem in mobile agents based network monitoring applications. Computer Networks 52(17): 3218-3228 (2008)
22 Durga Toshniwal, Ramesh C. Joshi: Finding Associations in Time Series Data Using Centroids. DMIN 2007: 16-21
21EEAnjali Sardana, Krishan Kumar, Ramesh Chandra Joshi: Detection and Honeypot Based Redirection to Counter DDoS Attacks in ISP Domain. IAS 2007: 191-196
20EEAnjali Sardana, Ramesh Chandra Joshi: Simulation of Dynamic Honeypot Based Redirection to Counter Service Level DDoS Attacks. ICISS 2007: 259-262
19EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Supporting cooperative caching in mobile ad hoc networks using clusters. IJAHUC 2(1/2): 58-72 (2007)
18EENarottam Chand, Ramesh Chandra Joshi, Manoj Misra: Energy efficient cache invalidation in a disconnected wireless mobile environment. IJAHUC 2(1/2): 83-91 (2007)
17EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Cooperative caching in mobile ad hoc networks based on data utility. Mobile Information Systems 3(1): 19-37 (2007)
16EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Exploiting caching in heterogeneous mobile environment. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7(7): 835-848 (2007)
15 Narottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Efficient cooperative caching in ad hoc networks. COMSWARE 2006
14EETarun Bansal, Pankaj Ghanshani, Ramesh Chandra Joshi: An Application Dependent Communication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006: 120
13EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Efficient Cache Replacement in Mobile Environment Using Data Profit. ICPADS (1) 2006: 203-212
12 Rajesh K. Bhatia, Mayank Dave, Ramesh C. Joshi: Retrieval of Most Relevant Reusable Component Using Genetic Algorithms. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2006: 151-155
11EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: A zone co-operation approach for efficient caching in mobile ad hoc networks. Int. J. Communication Systems 19(9): 1009-1028 (2006)
10EEM. A. H. Zahid, Ankush Mittal, Ramesh Chandra Joshi: A pattern recognition-based approach for phylogenetic network construction with constrained recombination. Pattern Recognition 39(12): 2312-2322 (2006)
9EEDurga Toshniwal, Ramesh C. Joshi: Finding Similarity in Time Series Data by Method of Time Weighted Moments. ADC 2005: 155-164
8EEM. A. H. Zahid, Ankush Mittal, Ramesh Chandra Joshi: A Classification Based Approach for Root Unknown Phylogenetic Networks Under Constrained Recombination. ICDCIT 2005: 592-603
7EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Efficient Mobility Management for Cache Invalidation in Wireless Mobile Environment. IWDC 2005: 536-541
6EEDurga Toshniwal, Ramesh C. Joshi: Similarity Search in Time Series Data Using Time Weighted Slopes. Informatica (Slovenia) 29(1): 79-88 (2005)
5EEShashikala Tapaswi, Ramesh Chandra Joshi: Classification of Bio-medical Images Using Neuro Fuzzy Approach. DASFAA 2004: 568-581
4EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Broadcast Based Cache Invalidation and Prefetching in Mobile Environment. HiPC 2004: 410-419
3EENarottam Chand, Ramesh C. Joshi, Manoj Misra: Energy Efficient Cache Invalidation in a Disconnected Mobile Environment. ICDCIT 2004: 85-95
2EEShashikala Tapaswi, Ramesh Chandra Joshi: An Evolutionary Computing Approach for Mining of Bio-medical Images. PCM (3) 2004: 523-532
1EEL. Kumar, Muldip Mishra, Ramesh C. Joshi: Low Overhead Optimal Checkpointing for Mobile Distributed Systems. ICDE 2003: 686-688

Coauthor Index

1Dharma P. Agrawal [23]
2Tarun Bansal [14]
3Rajesh K. Bhatia [12] [25]
4Narottam Chand [3] [4] [7] [11] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
5Mayank Dave [12] [25]
6Pankaj Ghanshani [14]
7Krishan Kumar [21]
8L. Kumar [1]
9Muldip Mishra [1]
10Manoj Misra [3] [4] [7] [11] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
11Ankush Mittal [8] [10]
12Anjali Sardana [20] [21] [24]
13Shashikala Tapaswi [2] [5]
14Durga Toshniwal [6] [9] [22]
15Vijay K. Verma [23]
16Bin Xie [23]
17M. A. H. Zahid [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)