
Janardan Misra

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7EEJanardan Misra, Suman Roy: Techniques for Distributed Reachability Analysis with Partial Order and Symmetry based Reductions CoRR abs/0901.0179: (2009)
6EEJanardan Misra: Design of a P System based Artificial Graph Chemistry CoRR abs/0901.0317: (2009)
5EEJanardan Misra: Thoughts on an Unified Framework for Artificial Chemistries CoRR abs/0901.0318: (2009)
4EEJanardan Misra: Towards a Framework for Observing Artificial Evolutionary Systems CoRR abs/0901.1610: (2009)
3EEIndranil Saha, Janardan Misra, Suman Roy: Timeout and Calendar Based Finite State Modeling and Verification of Real-Time Systems. ATVA 2007: 284-299
2 Gabriel Ciobanu, Janardan Misra: Performance Analysis and Name Passing Errors in Probabilistic Fusion. Sci. Ann. Cuza Univ. 15: 57-76 (2005)
1EERana Barua, Janardan Misra: Binary Arithmetic for DNA Computers. DNA 2002: 124-132

Coauthor Index

1Rana Barua [1]
2Gabriel Ciobanu [2]
3Suman Roy [3] [7]
4Indranil Saha [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)