
S. K. Mishra

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13EES. K. Mishra, S. Y. Wang, Kin Keung Lai: On non-smooth alpha-invex functions and vector variational-like inequality. Optimization Letters 2(1): 91-98 (2008)
12EES. K. Mishra, K. K. Lai: Second order symmetric duality in multiobjective programming involving generalized cone-invex functions. European Journal of Operational Research 178(1): 20-26 (2007)
11EES. K. Mishra, Shouyang Wang, Kin Keung Lai, F. M. Yang: Mixed symmetric duality in non-differentiable multiobjective mathematical programming. European Journal of Operational Research 181(1): 1-9 (2007)
10EES. K. Mishra, S. Y. Wang, Kin Keung Lai: Pseudolinear fuzzy mappings. European Journal of Operational Research 182(2): 965-970 (2007)
9EES. K. Mishra: Mond-Weir type second order symmetric duality in non-differentiable minimax mixed integer programming problems. European Journal of Operational Research 170(2): 355-362 (2006)
8EES. K. Mishra, S. Y. Wang, K. K. Lai: Optimality and duality for a multi-objective programming problem involving generalized d. European Journal of Operational Research 173(2): 405-418 (2006)
7EES. K. Mishra, S. Y. Wang, K. K. Lai: Explicitly B-preinvex fuzzy mappings. Int. J. Comput. Math. 83(1): 39-47 (2006)
6EES. K. Mishra, S. Y. Wang, K. K. Lai: Nondifferentiable multiobjective programming under generalized d. European Journal of Operational Research 160(1): 218-226 (2005)
5EES. K. Mishra, S. Y. Wang: Second order symmetric duality for nonlinear multiobjective mixed integer programming. European Journal of Operational Research 161(3): 673-682 (2005)
4EES. K. Mishra: Non-differentiable higher-order symmetric duality in mathematical programming with generalized invexity. European Journal of Operational Research 167(1): 28-34 (2005)
3EES. K. Mishra, S. Y. Wang, K. K. Lai: Semistrictly preinvex fuzzy mappings. Int. J. Comput. Math. 81(11): 1319-1328 (2004)
2EES. K. Mishra, P. C. Mishra: An ab initio theoretical study of electronic structure and properties of 2-deoxyguanosine in gas phase and aqueous media. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(5): 530-540 (2002)
1EEManish Kumar Shukla, S. K. Mishra, Anil Kumar, P. C. Mishra: An ab initio study of excited states of guanine in the gas phase and aqueous media: Electronic transitions and mechanism of spectral oscillations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(10): 826-846 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Anil Kumar [1]
2Kin Keung Lai (K. K. Lai) [3] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13]
3P. C. Mishra [1] [2]
4Manish Kumar Shukla [1]
5S. Y. Wang [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [13]
6Shouyang Wang [11]
7F. M. Yang [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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