
P. C. Mishra

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7EEN. R. Jena, P. S. Kushwaha, P. C. Mishra: Reaction of hypochlorous acid with imidazole: Formation of 2-chloro- and 2-oxoimidazoles. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(1): 98-107 (2008)
6EEN. R. Jena, P. C. Mishra: Formation of 8-nitroguanine and 8-oxoguanine due to reactions of peroxynitrite with guanine. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(8): 1321-1335 (2007)
5EEAnil Kumar, Michaela Knapp-Mohammady, P. C. Mishra, Sándor Suhai: A theoretical study of structures and electron affinities of radical anions of guanine-cytosine, adenine-thymine, and hypoxanthine-cytosine base pairs. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(8): 1047-1059 (2004)
4EED. M. Upadhyay, P. C. Mishra: An ab initio study of microsolvation of LiF in water: Structures and properties of LiF-Wn, n = 1-9 complexes. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(11): 1336-1347 (2003)
3EES. K. Mishra, P. C. Mishra: An ab initio theoretical study of electronic structure and properties of 2-deoxyguanosine in gas phase and aqueous media. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(5): 530-540 (2002)
2EEManish Kumar Shukla, S. K. Mishra, Anil Kumar, P. C. Mishra: An ab initio study of excited states of guanine in the gas phase and aqueous media: Electronic transitions and mechanism of spectral oscillations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(10): 826-846 (2000)
1EEManish Kumar Shukla, P. C. Mishra: Excited-State Molecular Electric Properties of Some Biologically Important Purines, Pyrimidines, and Azines: An ab Initio Study. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 38(4): 678-684 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1N. R. Jena [6] [7]
2Michaela Knapp-Mohammady [5]
3Anil Kumar [2] [5]
4P. S. Kushwaha [7]
5S. K. Mishra [2] [3]
6Manish Kumar Shukla [1] [2]
7Sándor Suhai [5]
8D. M. Upadhyay [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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