
Alan Mink

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10EEAlan Mink, Lijun Ma, Tassos Nakassis, Hai Xu, Oliver Slattery, Barry Hershman, Xiao Tang: A Quantum Network Manager that Supports a One-Time Pad Stream. ICQNM 2008: 16-21
9EERobert Snelick, Umut Uludag, Alan Mink, Mike Indovina, Anil K. Jain: Large-Scale Evaluation of Multimodal Biometric Authentication Using State-of-the-Art Systems. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(3): 450-455 (2005)
8EERobert Snelick, Mike Indovina, James Yen, Alan Mink: Multimodal biometrics: issues in design and testing. ICMI 2003: 68-72
7EEMichel Courson, Alan Mink, Guillaume Marçais, Benjamin Traverse: An Automated Benchmarking Toolset. HPCN Europe 2000: 497-506
6EEAlan Mink, Wayne Salamon, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Ramu Arunachalam: Performance Measurement Using Low Perturbation and High Precision Hardware Assists. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1998: 379-
5EEAlan Mink, Christophe Bailly: Parallel Implementation of a Molecular Dynamics Simulation Program. Winter Simulation Conference 1998: 491-498
4 Alan Mink, Robert J. Carpenter, George Nacht, John W. Roberts: Multiprocessor Performance-Measurement Instrumentation. IEEE Computer 23(9): 63-75 (1990)
3 John W. Roberts, John Antonishek, Alan Mink: Hybrid Performance Measurement Instrumentation for Loosely-Cpupled MIMD Architectures. SIGMETRICS 1989: 239
2 Alan Mink, Jesse M. Draper, John W. Roberts, Robert J. Carpenter: Hardware-Assisted Multiprocessor Performance Measurement. Performance 1987: 151-168
1 Alan Mink, Charles B. Silio Jr.: Modular Expansion in a Class of Homogeneous Networks. SIGMETRICS 1982: 95-100

Coauthor Index

1John Antonishek [3]
2Ramu Arunachalam [6]
3Christophe Bailly [5]
4Robert J. Carpenter [2] [4]
5Michel Courson [7]
6Jesse M. Draper [2]
7Barry Hershman [10]
8Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth [6]
9Mike Indovina [8] [9]
10Anil K. Jain [9]
11Lijun Ma [10]
12Guillaume Marçais [7]
13George Nacht [4]
14Tassos Nakassis [10]
15John W. Roberts [2] [3] [4]
16Wayne Salamon [6]
17Charles B. Silio Jr. [1]
18Oliver Slattery [10]
19Robert Snelick [8] [9]
20Xiao Tang [10]
21Benjamin Traverse [7]
22Umut Uludag [9]
23Hai Xu [10]
24James Yen [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)