
Zevi Miller

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23EEDavid Craft, Zevi Miller, Dan Pritikin: A solitaire game played on 2-colored graphs. Discrete Mathematics 309(1): 188-201 (2009)
22EEReza Akhtar, Tao Jiang, Zevi Miller: Asymptotic Determination of Edge-Bandwidth of Multidimensional Grids and Hamming Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 22(2): 425-449 (2008)
21EEZevi Miller, Dan Pritikin, Manley Perkel, Ivan Hal Sudborough: The sequential sum problem and performance bounds on the greedy algorithm for the on-line Steiner problem. Networks 45(3): 143-164 (2005)
20EEY.-B. Lin, Zevi Miller, Manley Perkel, Dan Pritikin, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Expansion of layouts of complete binary trees into grids. Discrete Applied Mathematics 131(3): 611-642 (2003)
19EENoga Alon, Tao Jiang, Zevi Miller, Dan Pritikin: Properly colored subgraphs and rainbow subgraphs in edge-colorings with local constraints. Random Struct. Algorithms 23(4): 409-433 (2003)
18EEY.-B. Lin, Ivan Hal Sudborough, Zevi Miller, Dan Pritikin, Manley Perkel: On Mapping Complete Binary Trees into Grids and Extended Grids. ISPAN 1999: 242-247
17 Zevi Miller, Dan Pritikin: On randomized greedy matchings. Random Struct. Algorithms 10(3): 353-383 (1997)
16 Zevi Miller, Dan Pritikin, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Bounded Dilation Maps of Hypercubes into Cayley Graphs on the Symmetric Group. Mathematical Systems Theory 29(6): 551-572 (1996)
15EELinda Gardner, Zevi Miller, Dan Pritikin, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Embedding hypercubes into pancake, cycle prefix and substring reversal networks. HICSS (2) 1995: 537-545
14 Saïd Bettayeb, Zevi Miller, Tony Peng, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Embedding k-D Meshes into Optimum Hypercubes with Dilation 2k-1 (Extended Abstract). Canada-France Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing 1994: 73-80
13EEZevi Miller, Dan Pritikin: Applying a result of Frankl and Rödl to the construction of Steiner trees in the hypercube. Discrete Mathematics 131(1-3): 183-194 (1994)
12 Zevi Miller, Dan Pritikin, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Near Embeddings of Hypercubes into Cayley Graphs on the Symmetric Group. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(1): 13-22 (1994)
11 Saïd Bettayeb, Zevi Miller, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Embedding Grids into Hypercubes. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 45(3): 340-366 (1992)
10EEColin McDiarmid, Zevi Miller: Lattice bandwidth of random graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 30(2-3): 221-227 (1991)
9EEZevi Miller, Dan Pritikin: The harmonious coloring number of a graph. Discrete Mathematics 93(2-3): 211-228 (1991)
8 Zevi Miller, Ivan Hal Sudborough: A Polynomial Algorithm for Recognizing Bounded Cutwidth in Hypergraphs. Mathematical Systems Theory 24(1): 11-40 (1991)
7 Bin Cong, Zevi Miller, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Optimum Simulation of Meshes by Small Hypercubes. IMYCS 1990: 30-46
6 Saïd Bettayeb, Zevi Miller, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Embedding Grids into Hypercubes. AWOC 1988: 201-211
5 Zevi Miller: A Linear Algorithm for Topological Bandwidth in Degree-Three Trees. SIAM J. Comput. 17(5): 1018-1035 (1988)
4 Ding-Zhu Du, Zevi Miller: Matroids and Subset Interconnection Design. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 1(4): 416-424 (1988)
3 Zevi Miller, Ivan Hal Sudborough: A Polynomial Algorithm for Recognizing Samll Cutwidth in Hypergraphs. Aegean Workshop on Computing 1986: 252-260
2EEZevi Miller: Extremal regular graphs for the achromatic number. Discrete Mathematics 40(2-3): 235-253 (1982)
1EEAndreas Blass, Frank Harary, Zevi Miller: Which trees are link graphs? J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 29(3): 277-292 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Reza Akhtar [22]
2Noga Alon [19]
3Saïd Bettayeb [6] [11] [14]
4Andreas Blass [1]
5Bin Cong [7]
6David Craft [23]
7Ding-Zhu Du [4]
8Linda Gardner [15]
9Frank Harary [1]
10Tao Jiang [19] [22]
11Y.-B. Lin [18] [20]
12Colin McDiarmid (Colin J. H. McDiarmid) [10]
13Tony Peng [14]
14Manley Perkel [18] [20] [21]
15Dan Pritikin [9] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [23]
16Ivan Hal Sudborough [3] [6] [7] [8] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [18] [20] [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)