
Saïd Bettayeb

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16EEAbdulla Al-Qawasmeh, Saïd Bettayeb: A proactive distance-based flooding technique for MANETs with heterogeneous radio ranges. LCN 2008: 648-654
15EEElham Khabiri, Saïd Bettayeb: Efficient Algorithms for Secure Multicast key Management. LCN 2006: 787-792
14EEPriyalal Kulasinghe, Saïd Bettayeb: An optimal algorithm for layered wheel floorplan designs. Networks 34(1): 67-72 (1999)
13 Emad Abuelrub, Saïd Bettayeb: Embedding Rings into Faulty Twisted Hypercubes. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 16(4): (1997)
12 Priyalal Kulasinghe, Saïd Bettayeb: Vertex-Disjoint Paths in Cayley Color Graphs. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 16(6): (1997)
11 Saïd Bettayeb, Bin Cong, Mike Girou, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Embedding Star Networks into Hypercubes. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(2): 186-194 (1996)
10 Priyalal Kulasinghe, Saïd Bettayeb: Embedding Binary Trees into Crossed Cubes. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(7): 923-929 (1995)
9EEPriyalal Kulasinghe, Saïd Bettayeb: Multiply-Twisted Hypercube with Five or More Dimensions is not Vertex-Transitive. Inf. Process. Lett. 53(1): 33-36 (1995)
8EESaïd Bettayeb: On the k-ary Hypercube. Theor. Comput. Sci. 140(2): 333-339 (1995)
7 Priyalal Kulasinghe, Saïd Bettayeb: On the Multiply-Twisted Hypercube. Canada-France Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing 1994: 267-278
6 Saïd Bettayeb, Zevi Miller, Tony Peng, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Embedding k-D Meshes into Optimum Hypercubes with Dilation 2k-1 (Extended Abstract). Canada-France Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing 1994: 73-80
5 David A. Hoelzeman, Saïd Bettayeb: On the Genus of Star Graphs. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(6): 755-759 (1994)
4EEXiaojun Shen, Qing Hu, Bin Cong, Ivan Hal Sudborough, Mike Girou, Saïd Bettayeb: The 4-Star Graph is not a Subgraph of Any Hypercube. Inf. Process. Lett. 45(4): 199-203 (1993)
3 Saïd Bettayeb, Bin Cong, Mike Girou, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Simulation Permutation Networks on Hypercubes. LATIN 1992: 61-70
2 Saïd Bettayeb, Zevi Miller, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Embedding Grids into Hypercubes. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 45(3): 340-366 (1992)
1 Saïd Bettayeb, Zevi Miller, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Embedding Grids into Hypercubes. AWOC 1988: 201-211

Coauthor Index

1Emad Abuelrub [13]
2Abdulla Al-Qawasmeh [16]
3Bin Cong [3] [4] [11]
4Mike Girou [3] [4] [11]
5David A. Hoelzeman [5]
6Qing Hu [4]
7Elham Khabiri [15]
8Priyalal Kulasinghe [7] [9] [10] [12] [14]
9Zevi Miller [1] [2] [6]
10Tony Peng [6]
11Xiaojun Shen [4]
12Ivan Hal Sudborough [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)