
Robert Miller

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10EEOleg A. Mukhanov, Dmitri Kirichenko, Igor V. Vernik, Timur V. Filippov, Alexander Kirichenko, Robert Webber, Vladimir Dotsenko, Andrei Talalaevskii, Jia Cao Tang, Anubhav Sahu, Pavel Shevchenko, Robert Miller, Steven B. Kaplan, Saad Sarwana, Deepnarayan Gupta: Superconductor Digital-RF Receiver Systems. IEICE Transactions 91-C(3): 306-317 (2008)
9 Jeffrey J. Fox, Gregery T. Buzzard, Robert Miller, Fernando Siso-Nadal: Massively Parallel Simulation of Cardiac Electrical Wave Propagation on Blue Gene. PARCO 2007: 609-616
8EERobert Miller, Elizabeth Roche: Toward bridge building: mapping the landscape of telecommunication tools. Mobile HCI 2005: 207-214
7EERobert Miller, Anand R. Tripathi: The Guardian Model and Primitives for Exception Handling in Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 30(12): 1008-1022 (2004)
6EERobert Miller, Anand R. Tripathi: The Guardian Model for Exception Handling in Distributed Systems. SRDS 2002: 304-
5 Robert Miller: Sexual Harassment Online Training. WebNet 2001: 859
4 Alan Christoffels, Antoine van Gelder, Gary Greyling, Robert Miller, Tania Hide, Winston A. Hide: STACK: Sequence Tag Alignment and Consensus Knowledgebase. Nucleic Acids Research 29(1): 234-238 (2001)
3EEAnand R. Tripathi, Robert Miller: Exception Handling in Agent-Oriented Systems. Advances in Exception Handling Techniques 2000: 128-146
2EERobert Miller, Anand R. Tripathi: Issues with Exception Handling in Object-Oriented Systems. ECOOP 1997: 85-103
1 Robert Miller: Cortical Cell Assemblies, Laminar Interaction, and Thalamocortical Interplay. ICANN 1997: 25-30

Coauthor Index

1Gregery T. Buzzard [9]
2Alan Christoffels [4]
3Vladimir Dotsenko [10]
4Timur V. Filippov [10]
5Jeffrey J. Fox [9]
6Antoine van Gelder [4]
7Gary Greyling [4]
8Deepnarayan Gupta [10]
9Tania Hide [4]
10Winston A. Hide [4]
11Steven B. Kaplan [10]
12Alexander Kirichenko [10]
13Dmitri Kirichenko [10]
14Oleg A. Mukhanov [10]
15Elizabeth Roche [8]
16Anubhav Sahu [10]
17Saad Sarwana [10]
18Pavel Shevchenko [10]
19Fernando Siso-Nadal [9]
20Andrei Talalaevskii [10]
21Jia Cao Tang [10]
22Anand R. Tripathi (Anand Tripathi) [2] [3] [6] [7]
23Igor V. Vernik [10]
24Robert Webber [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)