
Andrew Miller

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8EEAndrew Miller, Mubarak Shah, Don Harper: Landing a UAV on a runway using image registration. ICRA 2008: 182-187
7EEYongpei Guan, Andrew Miller: A Polynomial Time Algorithm for the Stochastic Uncapacitated Lot-Sizing Problem with Backlogging. IPCO 2008: 450-462
6 Javed Ahmed, Mubarak Shah, Andrew Miller, Don Harper, M. Noman Jafri: A Vision-Based System for a UGV to Handle a Road Intersection. AAAI 2007: 1077-1082
5EEAndrew Miller, Arslan Basharat, Brandyn White, Jingen Liu, Mubarak Shah: Person and Vehicle Tracking in Surveillance Video. CLEAR 2007: 174-178
4EEAndrew Miller, Pavel Babenko, Min Hu, Mubarak Shah: Person Tracking in UAV Video. CLEAR 2007: 215-220
3EEAndrew Miller, Mubarak Shah: Foreground Segmentation in Surveillance Scenes Containing a Door. ICME 2007: 1822-1825
2EEYun Zhai, Phillip Berkowitz, Andrew Miller, Khurram Shafique, Aniket A. Vartak, Brandyn White, Mubarak Shah: Multiple Vehicle Tracking in Surveillance Videos. CLEAR 2006: 200-208
1 Edward E. Hodgkin, Andrew Miller, Mark Whittaker: A Monte Carlo pharmacophore generation procedure: Application to the human PAF receptor. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 7(5): 515-534 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Javed Ahmed [6]
2Pavel Babenko [4]
3Arslan Basharat [5]
4Phillip Berkowitz [2]
5Yongpei Guan [7]
6Don Harper [6] [8]
7Edward E. Hodgkin [1]
8Min Hu [4]
9M. Noman Jafri [6]
10Jingen Liu [5]
11Khurram Shafique [2]
12Mubarak Shah [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
13Aniket A. Vartak [2]
14Brandyn White [2] [5]
15Mark Whittaker [1]
16Yun Zhai [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)