
Alain Mille

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27EEAmélie Cordier, Béatrice Fuchs, Léonardo Lana de Carvalho, Jean Lieber, Alain Mille: Opportunistic Acquisition of Adaptation Knowledge and Cases - The IakAApproach. ECCBR 2008: 150-164
26 Fadi Badra, Rokia Bendaoud, Rim Bentebitel, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Julien Cojan, Amélie Cordier, Sylvie Desprès, Stéphanie Jean-Daubias, Jean Lieber, Thomas Meilender, Alain Mille, Emmanuel Nauer, Amedeo Napoli, Yannick Toussaint: TAAABLE: Text Mining, Ontology Engineering, and Hierarchical Classification for Textual Case-Based Cooking. ECCBR Workshops 2008: 219-228
25EEAmélie Cordier, Béatrice Fuchs, Jean Lieber, Alain Mille: Failure Analysis for Domain Knowledge Acquisition in a Knowledge-Intensive CBR System. ICCBR 2007: 463-477
24EEOlivier Georgeon, Alain Mille, Thierry Bellet: Analyzing Behaviorial Data for Refining Cognitive Models of Operator. DEXA Workshops 2006: 588-592
23 Clément Fauré, Sylvie Delprat, Alain Mille, Jean-François Boulicaut: Utilisation des réseaux bayésiens dans le cadre de l'extraction de règles d'association. EGC 2006: 569-580
22EEAmélie Cordier, Béatrice Fuchs, Alain Mille: Engineering and Learning of Adaptation Knowledge in Case-Based Reasoning. EKAW 2006: 303-317
21EEClément Fauré, Sylvie Delprat, Jean-François Boulicaut, Alain Mille: Iterative Bayesian Network Implementation by Using Annotated Association Rules. EKAW 2006: 326-333
20EEJulien Laflaquière, Lotfi S. Settouti, Yannick Prié, Alain Mille: Trace-Based Framework for Experience Management and Engineering. KES (1) 2006: 1171-1178
19EEWeihong Huang, Alain Mille: ConKMeL: a contextual knowledge management framework to support multimedia e-Learning. Multimedia Tools Appl. 30(2): 205-219 (2006)
18EEArnaud Stuber, Salima Hassas, Alain Mille: Language Games for Meaning Negotiation Between Human and Computer Agents. ESAW 2005: 275-287
17EEMick Philippon, Alain Mille, Guy Caplat: Aide a l'utilisateur: savoir quand intervenir. IHM 2005: 155-162
16 Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié, Alain Mille: MUSETTE: a framework for knowledge capture from experience. EGC 2004: 129-134
15EEElöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Alain Mille, Yannick Prié: Club [clubsuit] (Trèfle): A Use Trace Model. ICCBR 2003: 146-160
14 Weihong Huang, Mohand-Said Hacid, Alain Mille: Contextual Knowledge Representation, Retrieval and Interpretation in Multimedia e-Learning. IRI 2003: 258-265
13EEWeihong Huang, Ting Tao, Mohand-Said Hacid, Alain Mille: Facilitate knowledge communications. MMDB 2003: 33-39
12 Weihong Huang, Yannick Prié, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Alain Mille: Semantic Context Representation of Resources Using Annotation Graph. Multimedia Information Systems 2002: 48-55
11EEAurélien Bénel, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Yannick Prié, Sylvie Calabretto, Alain Mille, Andréa Iacovella, Jean-Marie Pinon: Truth in the Digital Library: From Ontological to Hermeneutical Systems. ECDL 2001: 366-377
10 Béatrice Fuchs, Jean Lieber, Alain Mille, Amedeo Napoli: An Algorithm for Adaptation in Case-based Reasoning. ECAI 2000: 45-49
9EEBéatrice Fuchs, Alain Mille: Representing Knowledge for Case-Based Reasoning: The ROCADE System. EWCBR 2000: 86-98
8 Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Yannick Prié, Alain Mille, Jean-Marie Pinon: A graph based audio-visual document annotation and browsing system. RIAO 2000: 1381-1289
7EEYannick Prié, Alain Mille, Jean-Marie Pinon: A Context-Based Audiovisual Representation Model for Audiovisual Information Systems. CONTEXT 1999: 296-309
6EEBéatrice Fuchs, Jean Lieber, Alain Mille, Amedeo Napoli: Towards a Unified Theory of Adaption in Case-Based Reasoning. ICCBR 1999: 104-117
5EEBéatrice Fuchs, Alain Mille: A Knowledge-Level Task Model of Adaption in Case-Based Reasoning. ICCBR 1999: 118-131
4EEOlivier Herbeaux, Alain Mille: ACCELERE: a case-based design assistant for closed cell rubber industry. Knowl.-Based Syst. 12(5-6): 231-238 (1999)
3EEYannick Prié, Alain Mille, Jean-Marie Pinon: AI-STRATA: A User-Centered Model for Content-Based Description and Retrieval of Audiovisual Sequences. AMCP 1998: 328-343
2 Francoise Corvaisier, Alain Mille, Jean-Marie Pinon: Information retrieval on the World Wide Web using a decision making system. RIAO 1997: 284-296
1 Béatrice Fuchs, Alain Mille, Benoît Chiron: Operator Decision Aiding by Adaption of Supervision Strategies. ICCBR 1995: 23-32

Coauthor Index

1Fadi Badra [26]
2Thierry Bellet [24]
3Rokia Bendaoud [26]
4Aurélien Bénel [11]
5Rim Bentebitel [26]
6Jean-François Boulicaut [21] [23]
7Sylvie Calabretto [11]
8Guy Caplat [17]
9Léonardo Lana de Carvalho [27]
10Pierre-Antoine Champin [12] [16] [26]
11Benoît Chiron [1]
12Julien Cojan [26]
13Amélie Cordier [22] [25] [26] [27]
14Francoise Corvaisier [2]
15Sylvie Delprat [21] [23]
16Sylvie Desprès [26]
17Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond [8] [11] [15]
18Clément Fauré [21] [23]
19Béatrice Fuchs [1] [5] [6] [9] [10] [22] [25] [27]
20Olivier Georgeon [24]
21Mohand-Said Hacid [13] [14]
22Salima Hassas [18]
23Olivier Herbeaux [4]
24Weihong Huang [12] [13] [14] [19]
25Andréa Iacovella [11]
26Stéphanie Jean-Daubias [26]
27Julien Laflaquière [20]
28Jean Lieber [6] [10] [25] [26] [27]
29Thomas Meilender [26]
30Amedeo Napoli [6] [10] [26]
31Emmanuel Nauer [26]
32Mick Philippon [17]
33Jean-Marie Pinon [2] [3] [7] [8] [11]
34Yannick Prié [3] [7] [8] [11] [12] [15] [16] [20]
35Lotfi S. Settouti [20]
36Arnaud Stuber [18]
37Ting Tao [13]
38Yannick Toussaint [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)