
Béatrice Fuchs

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10EEAmélie Cordier, Béatrice Fuchs, Léonardo Lana de Carvalho, Jean Lieber, Alain Mille: Opportunistic Acquisition of Adaptation Knowledge and Cases - The IakAApproach. ECCBR 2008: 150-164
9EEAmélie Cordier, Béatrice Fuchs, Jean Lieber, Alain Mille: Failure Analysis for Domain Knowledge Acquisition in a Knowledge-Intensive CBR System. ICCBR 2007: 463-477
8EEAmélie Cordier, Béatrice Fuchs, Alain Mille: Engineering and Learning of Adaptation Knowledge in Case-Based Reasoning. EKAW 2006: 303-317
7 Béatrice Fuchs: Plusieurs contributions à la gestion des connaissances par capitalisation d'expérience. EGC 2001: 309-314
6 Béatrice Fuchs, Jean Lieber, Alain Mille, Amedeo Napoli: An Algorithm for Adaptation in Case-based Reasoning. ECAI 2000: 45-49
5EEBéatrice Fuchs, Alain Mille: Representing Knowledge for Case-Based Reasoning: The ROCADE System. EWCBR 2000: 86-98
4EEBéatrice Fuchs, Jean Lieber, Alain Mille, Amedeo Napoli: Towards a Unified Theory of Adaption in Case-Based Reasoning. ICCBR 1999: 104-117
3EEBéatrice Fuchs, Alain Mille: A Knowledge-Level Task Model of Adaption in Case-Based Reasoning. ICCBR 1999: 118-131
2 Béatrice Fuchs: A Knowledge-level Analysis of Adaptation in CBR. ICCBR Workshops 1999: 7-16
1 Béatrice Fuchs, Alain Mille, Benoît Chiron: Operator Decision Aiding by Adaption of Supervision Strategies. ICCBR 1995: 23-32

Coauthor Index

1Léonardo Lana de Carvalho [10]
2Benoît Chiron [1]
3Amélie Cordier [8] [9] [10]
4Jean Lieber [4] [6] [9] [10]
5Alain Mille [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10]
6Amedeo Napoli [4] [6]

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